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A Timeline of What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking

HomeWellnessA Timeline of What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking

A 30-year-old person who quits smoking will gain almost 10 years of life expectancy. While it might be hard to stop smoking, there are a lot of available strategies that can help you to enjoy a smoke-free and healthier lifestyle. Quitting smoking will have immediate and long-term health benefits.  As soon as you stop smoking, you will experience the following benefits.

20 minutes to 8 hours after your last cigarette

When you smoke, nicotine enters your bloodstream that causes increased blood pressure. After only 20 minutes of quitting smoking, your blood pressure will return to more normal levels. Additionally, fibers found in bronchial tubes will start to move again, which filters irritants and bacteria. Your carbon monoxide, which is present in cigarettes, will normalize.  Your body will clean itself of any excess carbon monoxide. With this, the oxygen in your blood will increase.

Tobacco free life keeps you healthy and helps you to lead a happy life.

12 hours to 1 day after your last cigarette

With only a day of not smoking, you will decrease the risk of heart attack.  Smoking is associated with coronary heart diseases because it lowers the level of good cholesterol. Smoking is also linked to increased risk for blood clots, which also increases the risk for stroke.  Your bloodstream will almost be free from nicotine. Your damaged nerve ending will start to grow again. Financial savings start the day you stop smoking. With the extra money, you could treat yourself to a session at the gym or a swimming class.

1 to 3 months after your last cigarette

In just one month, you can feel the health-related benefits of quitting smoking.  Your lung function can increase by 30% at this point. You experience a heightened sense of smell and you can taste better as well. Your lung functions begin to improve dramatically.  You may notice that you don’t experience shortness of breath while exercising and you also feel a lot of energy. You can walk easier.

1 year after smoking your last cigarette

You are able to handle stressful situations without feeling the need to smoke. You are also less likely to be coughing because your airways are less inflamed as your lungs have significantly healed themselves.  There will be less infections because the lungs have recovered its function to fight bacteria. The person’s risk of coronary diseases decreases by as much as 50%.

When you quit smoking, your body will start to heal immediately.  Some immediate effects include lower blood pressure levels. Other effects will take time such as reducing risks for heart diseases.  It will take as much as 10 to 20 years so that the risks from smoking-related causes drops to that of a nonsmoker.

Cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit that can lead to severe health conditions and death. It is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States.  While quitting can be challenging, with the help of a strong support system such as your family, friends, and loved ones, you can live a healthier, smoke-free life.

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pearls of wisdom
Cassie Steele
Cassie Steele
My name is Cassie and I spent over a decade working as a ER nurse and first responder. The way I came to cope with this was by meditating and learning to be mindful of my actions and what happened to me in my life. It helped me live a healthier, less stressed life, and made me more effective too. As a freelance writer I like to write on this topic, and have worked with several sites on this and similar health issues.
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