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Renting vs. Buying: 3 Points to Consider

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One of the most daunting decisions in your life could be whether you should rent or buy a home in your area. Naturally, everyone thinks that buying a home is the gold standard that everyone should aspire to. However, many people are surprised to learn that continuing to rent a place also has its benefits. So, how do you know—should you rent, or should you buy? Here are three important points to consider:


Location is definitely an important factor when it comes to whether you should rent or buy a home. First of all, location can often indicate just how expensive home ownership can be. For example, cities such as San Francisco or Los Angeles often have high property taxes or HOA fees to contend with. Meanwhile, there are some regions that have a much lower cost of living and are much more amenable to home ownership. 


The economy of an area plays a big role when making a decision to rent or buy a home. Renting seems to have an edge over buying when the economy is unreliable. Part of the reason that an apartment or other rental holds so much appeal in this circumstance is people tend to move around much more in a poor economy. In a difficult economy, jobs are not as easy to find. Thus when employment prospects are scarce people are likely to be more hesitant to buy a home. has been supporting investors who wish to widen their portfolio of properties and transform them into an income-producing unit.


One of the main determining factors regarding whether you should buy or rent should focus on whether you plan on staying in the area for five years or more. If you cannot stay in the area for at least that length of time, you need to be aware that it is highly unlikely you will be able to recoup some of the agent commissions and mortgage and transaction fees. Of course, even if you are planning on staying in the area for a significant amount of time, it is wise for you to be aware of whether home prices are rising or falling in your target real estate area.

Either direction you take, you have to properly evaluate your location and personal situation. Consider these three points—where you are and where you’d like to go, what the economy is like in those places, and how long you’ll be staying—and you’ll have a tremendous head start.

For more advice, read “The Most Important Things To Consider When Buying Your First Family Home.”

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