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Know 10 facts why Self E-mail Server Hosting is found hard

HomeTechnologyKnow 10 facts why Self E-mail Server Hosting is found hard

As the popularity of cloud hosting services is snowballing by the day, e-mail marketing is also earning popularity at a very large scale. To properly engage into e-mail marketing, one has to create an email server for this purpose and can host it either on its own or can take the help of email based cloud hosting system.

Though it is very much possible to run your mail server but usually not considered the best option to opt for. But according to the latest marketing trends, the demands for email marketing are nowhere going out of fashion.

Apart from some primary reasons for it being complicated and time-consuming, there are others. So without wasting any further time let’s get acquainted by all of them sequentially-

1. Creates an extra responsibility

Apart from handling the critical part of your business, handling an email server on top of it is a frenzied situation. The emails are going to pile up and despite all the technological advancement, you will find yourself inside a hornet’s nest. Back in the ’90s, it was comparatively very much easier to run your mail server as the number of SPAM’s was lesser to quite a considerable level.

2. Plentiful of components to manage

Email servers are not that easy to set up as it sounds. It requires so many important components and they all have to be modulated together. The most important components are-

Mail Transfer Agent- It is a mail transfer agent or a mail relay software that transfers mail from one computer to another using SMTP.

Mail Delivery Agent- It is a computer software component that is responsible for the delivery of email messages to a local recipient’s mailbox.

IMAP and POP3 server – IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) makes sure that the message does not remain on the local device and it remains on the server and POP3 (Post Office Protocol) attempts to keep the mail located on the local device.

And these software requirements are not enough, your mail servers will be needing a domain name, DNS (Domain Name System) records and SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer).

3. Spam e-mails are a juggernaut to deal with

The most undesired things of the decade are these spam e-mails and the mail server requires a multi-layer security check to prevent them from appearing unnecessarily. The spammers have become so smart that now they send spam e-mails in different formats and types.

Some of the common forms in which they usually come are cheap product advertisements, fictitious hoaxes, phishing e-mails or malware. The most breakneck type amongst all is the phishing e-mails as they are usually send under the name of trusted banks and are running as fault practices just to earn easy money. These phishing spammers are qualified to be called as criminals as they are fooling people by winning their confidence to provide them with their bank account details by deception.

Though nothing can save you from receiving spam completely, yet there are ways to minimize them. Components like a Spam filter, antiviruses, etc. there is a possibility to minimize them if cannot be nullified.

But all these become tough to manage on your own if you are managing your e-mail server. Hence cloud email hosting is preferred.

4. To be always updated

If the already mentioned challenges are not enough then there are more worth mentioning. All the spam filtering components, antiviruses, etc. feel the necessity to be updated on regular intervals. To keep a check on all the upcoming updates needs some extra hours of the day.

5. Self-E-mail server hosting is overly time-consuming

All the maintenance tasks and 24/7 checks consume so much time that at some point in time it seems useless to devote so much time which is not your core job at first.  

6. Troubleshooting blacklist and other similar glitches

Most of the people think that handling e-mail is a daily task so what hindrances can self-email server hosting can introduce. But it is not as simple as handling personal email, things like blacklisting cannot be easily discarded. Your email server once enters the blacklist, then you will be unable to send the e-mails to the intended recipients. Misconfigurations in the mail server components or faults in the spam filter etc. all these problems are not easy to troubleshoot.

7. You are the decision-maker

Although maintaining the mail server for yourself makes you the decision-maker but a single issue in the functionality and the whole onus lies on your shoulders. There are so many various important decisions you will have to make in the areas you might not be having full knowledge of. With all these alternatives present then why to lose peace of mind.

8. Cost is one of the major concern

The cloud e-mail system provides all these services at such low costs that cannot be ignored in front of all the other advantages.

9. Have to come up with freshly brewed content daily

To address your customers in a better way, your mails should have customer engaging content. This coming up with fresh and distinguishable content eventually becomes burdensome. Interactive content is the fuel for email marketing and hence to be productive your emails must be integrated with constant dynamic content.

10. Less availability of hard drive space

In self-email server hosting, there is not much availability of hard drive space whereas dozens of gigabytes of space are required.

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