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How to Make the Best of Fall Harvest

HomeInsightsHow to Make the Best of Fall Harvest

Summer has gone and the fall harvest is on its way. Now is the time to ready your garden in preparation for the coming months. Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to make the most of this upcoming fall harvest.

Proper Timing

In order to have a fruitful fall harvest, you need to properly plan your timing. The best way to do this is to work backwards. Most plants need to mature before the first frost. Research your area and see when the first frost typically occurs. Be sure to give yourself some extra time as a buffer. Once you determine when the frost should arrive, calculate how many days/weeks it will take for your plants to mature. Then, plant them with plenty of time to do so before the frost. You may want to consider staggering when you plant so you can have a constant harvest.

Watch Out for Crop Threats

While there’s lots to do to prepare your crops beforehand, it’s important to be vigilant during the growing period. There are many threats to be aware of. Keep an eye out for insects and know how they affect your plants. Find safe ways to dispose of them. Your plants can also be affected by diseases. If you’re growing corn, you should be aware of the diseases that are most likely to impact your crop. These could include gray leaf spot, blight, and common rust. As the weather gets colder, you should also be aware of how frost and freezing affect your plants as it may shorten the growing period. As always, remember to weed regularly.

Prepare Your Beds and Soil

If you want your harvest to be successful, then it takes some planning beforehand. Make sure your soil is ready for your next round of crops. Add some compost or fertilizer to your soil in order to prepare it. You also want to make sure you thoroughly water your soil as it gets very dry deep down. You should also continue weeding the area. In preparation for the cold, you may want to construct cold frames or even a winter hoop garden. These structures help protect your plants in the cold and allow you to grow your crops longer.

Gardening takes a lot of planning and preparation, but it is all worth it. Make sure you take the time to properly care for your garden in order to get the best results.

Read this next: How to Grow a Healthier Garden

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