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Careers You Can Begin With a Two-Year Degree

HomeEducationalCareers You Can Begin With a Two-Year Degree

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A two-year degree can be more useful than we might think. There are many degrees that will help you get into a good industry that will make you a lot more money than if you didn’t have a degree at all. Two years seems like a long time, but it’s doable. You could potentially be working in IT, healthcare, or as a paralegal.


There are many information technology careers you can do with an associate’s degree. You can potentially land a job as a software developer, computer support specialist, web developer, a computer systems analyst, and many other options for IT. Even if you’re not sure what you want to do with your IT degree, you can use it for a number of things. It’s a very versatile degree that can help you get your foot in the door in a lot of different companies and industries. Technology is part of every company and a knowledge of IT can be an asset when you’re looking for a career.


There are so many healthcare careers you can start with just a two-year degree. You can become a medical assistant or find another healthcare career with only an associate’s degree. There are many other jobs a medical assistant can do, too. You just need to look into what education and certification you’ll need. Radiation Therapists can administer radiation treatments for cancer and other diseases after just two years of education. Sonographers, MRI technologists, cardiovascular technologists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapy assistants, and so many more jobs can be found in the healthcare field and they all include decent annual pay and it’s all available with a two-year degree. If you have a passion for healthcare, it’s a lot easier to get into the field than you might think. You don’t need to study for 12 years before you can practice. There are many jobs where you’ll just need the two year degree.


Legal assistants and paralegals work in law doing a lot of the major work for the attorneys. They spend time researching laws, drafting, and filing correspondence. They help research, write briefs, and interview clients and witnesses. Becoming a paralegal is different for everyone, but the job generally needs at least an associate’s degree, which can be finished in as short as a year and a half. There is a common concern about how long it’ll take to start in the law field and how much education it’ll take, but it doesn’t take as long as you might think. If you already have an associate’s degree and are looking to change fields, you can complete a paralegal certificate program to get the specialized knowledge you’ll need and it can be completed in 8 months.

Getting a two year degree will help you to get into the industry that you want and you’ll have more to contribute. You could potentially work in IT, healthcare, or as a paralegal. All it takes is a two-year degree.

Read this next: How to Make a Change When Your Career Isn’t Working Out

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