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13 Tips For Spring Cleaning The Whole House

HomeWellness13 Tips For Spring Cleaning The Whole House

As the weather will start to warm up, it is a sign to open up your windows and bust out your cleaning supplies. Even though spring cleaning seems like a daunting task, there are different tips you can follow to make the whole process easier when the time comes. 

Make a Schedule

Look at your home and ask yourself what areas need the most work. Another thing to ask yourself is what are things that you usually skip during your routine cleaning. That will give you a clear answer for where you should start from and pay more attention to. Having a plan for cleaning will help you stay on track and focus on each task. 

Clean Room-By-Room

One of the best ways you can approach spring cleaning is by taking care of room by room, instead of trying to tackle everything at once. Use something like a room checklist for rooms in which you need to do more cleaning than others. You can also skip things that you have done recently and focus more on areas that have been neglected during wintertime. 

Organise and Clear the Clutter

The main reason for spring cleaning is getting rid of things that you have accumulated over time. There is no better time to get rid of everything and get a fresh start. There are a lot of different ways you can tackle decluttering and organising. One of the most popular ways is the four-step approach. First you will want to identify the problem areas, analyse the reasons why you should keep or throw away, determine the solution and then implement everything. Make categories such as thrash, store or give away. There is no better time to have a garage sale and donate things than after your spring cleanup. 

Keep Your Cleaning Products to a Minimum

If you have ever done a deep clean, you know that there are so many different cleaning products to choose from and it can be quite overwhelming. There is simply no need to have dozens of products in your cabinets, they will just produce clutter. Resist the temptation to buy all different cleaning supplies. Choose all-purpose cleaners, they are not only less toxic, but they will also prevent clutter in your cabinets. You can even make your own all-purpose cleaner and save money, space as well as the environment.

Get the Whole Family Involved

If you don’t live alone, you can always use a little help from your family when it comes to cleaning. Even an unwilling helper can make a big difference when it comes to taking this major task. It is a great way to bond with your family while doing something productive. Put on some music and assign everyone their job and spring cleaning will be done in no time. 

Tackle the Seasonal Chores

There are some chores that are done seasonally and they need to be addressed when you are doing spring cleaning. Those are annual chores that are injured most fall and winter, so now that spring is around the corner it is time to address them. It doesn’t matter what it is, even if it is moving and you need to hire end of lease cleaning services, if it’s an annual chore for you it should be addressed first. 

Establish New Cleaning Habits 

A proper thorough spring cleaning includes the whole house, so what better time to establish new cleaning habits and get into new routines. It will make the next spring cleaning much faster and easier. By thinking about what you can improve on while cleaning you will create new and improved habits. 

Protect Yourself While Cleaning

What a lot of people don’t think about is protecting themselves, while they are cleaning. If you are someone who struggles with allergies make sure that you are properly prepared for cleaning. Make sure that you are wearing a mask, gloves or whatever you need to in order to protect yourself. Another thing that you can think about is wearing protective clothing if you are using harsh chemicals to prevent skin irritations or any injuries. 

Clean Your Appliances

Something that people don’t think about even when they are doing spring cleaning is cleaning the appliances. In particular if you have really hard water because it causes calcium buildup and your appliances won’t break and look dirty. To give you appliances a good clean, you should run them with vinegar and hot water. You are not only cleaning them but you are making their lifespan longer as you are regularly deep cleaning them. Just make sure all the vinegar is gone before you use it. 

Revitalize Your Bed 

As wintertime is passing, it is starting to warm up and that means you should retire your heavy flannel sheets for lighter ones. You can also think about putting away a couple of blankets to make everything look more put together. But the key is to wash everything before storing it back. You can even retire your winter sheets and comforters and get new ones if you feel like their time has come. Before you put on your spring covers make sure that you flip the mattress. 

Get Rid of Any Expired Foods 

There is no better time to go through your freezer, refrigerator as well as your pantry and cupboards than when spring rolls around. Look for any foods or condiments that are old and past their expiration date or even growing mold. While you are throwing things away make sure that you whip down all the shelves before you put things back in.  

Clean Your Windows Properly

Instead of just cleaning your windows from the inside make sure that you are actually cleaning them properly. Clean them on a cloudy day so you ensure that the sun won’t dry the cleaner before you are done whipping it from both sides. 

Clean Out Your Plumbing

What a lot of people miss when they are doing their spring cleaning, is their plumbing. Make sure that you clean every drain in your home by pouring boiling water, vinegar and baking soda. Then leave it to sit hot a couple of hours and then pour water over it again. That will lengthen the lifespan of your pipes. 

Spring cleaning is a great way to make sure that you do certain maintenance chores that need to be done only a few times a year while keeping your home nice and clean. Make sure you are breaking down your projects into smaller parts, because it is all about finding success and not sabotaging your spring cleaning agenda.

pearls of wisdom
Ron Wolf
Ron Wolf
Ron Wolf is a hobby designer and a DIY enthusiast, and, above all, a very blessed father of two. Besides that, he has a strong passion for writing. He is a featured blogger at various blogs and magazines in which he shared his research and experience with the vast online community. If he is not working he enjoys being outside with his family.


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