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Is Healthy Planet a Solution to All the Health Issues? The Answer Might Surprise You!

HomeWellnessIs Healthy Planet a Solution to All the Health Issues? The Answer...

Many people live in a healthy environment and still face health issues. It is because everyone out there talks about a strong relationship between good health and the environment. You get clean food, water, and air because of a clean environment. Your entire life depends on the good atmosphere.

WHO also estimates that 1 in 8 deaths across the world is because of air pollution. The world is at high risk due to the deteriorating environment. The quality of air is degrading every year, and that is making the daily life of people hard.

But what if you come to know that there is an excessive mortality rate due to mental disorders which have no relation with a healthy planet? You will be shocked, right? Mental disorder is the most substantial cause of death worldwide. According to a study by NCBI, 67.3% of the total death of people happens because of mental disorders.

Our major focus has been on the health issues related to the planet, but if you are healthy from inside, then you can deal with the outside health issues. Today, you will come to know about health issues that are not concerned with a healthy planet in the below section.

1. Anxiety: People get afraid of something more than normal or take tension that affects their health. Today, it is happening with students, they are anxious about assignments and resorting to  online assignment help as the only solution. Anxiety hinders the natural response to deal with the problems and a lot of people get harmed by it every year.

2. Phobia: This health issue is not related to a healthy or unhealthy environment. Phobia is a type of fear in which people behave abnormally; why? Because everyone has some amount of fear, but who has phobia react badly to the fear. Sometimes, it causes diverse and serious health issues. It is unrealistic fear that can be from an animal, human beings, object, situation, activity, and many more. There are many types of phobia, namely claustrophobia, acrophobia, arachnophobia, and more. This is not fixed that you can have a phobia related to particular things; it can be related to anything. And sometimes, the person himself can’t recognize his illness.

3. Violence: This is a serious health issue in which you can lose your life too. People sometimes get violent on small matters. They harm themselves and sometimes others. Many get non-fatal injuries due to violence. It has been a major issue in the life of people since old times. Violence can be a result of anxiety and phobia. According to the Journalof Ethics, violence is a public health crisis. National Violent Death Reporting System stated that violence is preventable but requires a supportive relationship. Not exactly a healthy environment, but the healthy mentality of people can help to deal with this health issue.

4. Obesity: Overweight or obesity is the 5th leading health issue as reported by EASO, which is a community in Europe established in 1986. Unhealthy food habits lead to obesity. Many say that adulteration in food products causes more health issues, but bad food habits cause more risk. You will be shocked by the fact that obesity kills more people than underweight. More than 40 million children who have not yet turn to 5 are overweight. Although unhealthy food can be a result of an unhealthy environment, bad food habits and heredity are more prominent reasons for obesity.

5.Depression: Depression has reached record levels. College students have been reported the highest level of depression, and today, this is because of uncertainty in the studies due to pandemic. Assignment writing service providers have come to help students to beat study burden, but still they have the depression.Apart from students, a lot of people have been facing this health issue. Some cases come in the eye of the public, whereas some do not. According to WHO, 264 million people suffer from depression worldwide. Depression also leads to weight fluctuation and weakens the immune system.

6. Suicide: Suicidal behavior of a person can be a result of depression and failure to achieve something. Many times, survival conditions also lead to suicidal behavior. For youngsters, this type of tendency rise mainly because of three reasons- study, relationship, and career. When they fail to get good marks and feel humiliated in front of the class because of it, then they feel like ending their life. Often, failure in career and relationship drive youngsters to commit suicide. This is a public health issue and rising fast because of intolerance and the pessimistic nature of the people. The suicide rate has increased to 33% in the last 10 years.

7. Schizophrenia: This is a different type of mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. People who are affected by it face hallucinations, delusion, and disordered thinking. It affects both- your social as well as personal lives. Often, this type of health issue is genetic or emerges with time, but has no relation with the healthy environment. In medical terms, it is called chronic brain disorder. To deal with such health issues, scientists are studying genetics.

These are some of the health issues that have no relation with a polluted or healthy planet;anyone can get affected by these problems. But you should be optimistic about everything. These health issues can also be resolved if people focus on some crucial points mentioned below.

Read them and learn to deal with these health issues effectively.

How Can You Deal with Such Health Issues?

1. Yoga: This is also called meditation in some countries. Medical research also found many benefits of Yoga. You can deal with anxiety, depression, suicidal behavior with the help of Yoga.

2. Family Bonding: Family is the most crucial part of your life. If you spend enough time with your family, then you can lose the stress. Talk to friends and family members when you are depressed.

3. Self-Control: This is the best way because whenever you feel helpless, then you can take care of yourself, If you practice self-control, then you can easily deal with any type of depression or phobia.

4. Limit the Desire: In this materialistic world, you see people work day and night to earn more and more. And as a result, they deteriorate their health. If you learn the power of contentment, then you can easily limit your desire and ultimately stay away from depression.

“It is health that is the real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” –Mahatma Gandhi.

If you get successful in keeping yourself healthy from inside, then you can achieve real wealth, that is, happiness and peace. This is what the above famous quote implies.

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Zasha Cruz
Zasha Cruz
Zasha Cruz is a Ph.D. holder in humanity and has studied human mental conditions. She is an assignment writer working with Global Assignment Help to assist students who can’t write their assignments impressively. In his free time, she loves to explore places and meet new people.
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