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What Are The Introductory Features And Cost Of Web App Development?

HomeInnovateWhat Are The Introductory Features And Cost Of Web App Development?

The most asked question is “How much does it cost to develop a Web application”?

And if you’re someone who is looking for the answers to this question, then after reading this article, you’ll understand how much it costs to develop a web application.

In this article, you’ll get the Real logic of asking the cost for a web application by Software companies

So let’s begin!

This question is so important for clients to understand why Software companies are Charging Big Prices on that Project. Software companies try to showcase the exact Money Required to Convert client ideas/imagination into Reality.

But these are Experienced companies who can see the Project and client demand and ask for the Right amount. But there are so many companies who need to follow a process to understand the Right amount of doing this Project in Reality. 

We know that each project has different requirements, different interests, and clients have different tastes. That’s why based on different requirements, companies follow a Process to find the Right cost of a web application.

Clients need to know what factors determine the actual cost of the Development of a web application. Software Companies follow the Process to understand the Factors it takes to complete this project and find the Real cost of Development.

Let’s begin with the Process of Web Development!

If you’re a web developer, you should read this Process that helps you in future projects to understand the Real factors and Cost of Development.

So, you can ask confidently why your Client needs to pay for each Process. 

Everyone follows different Strategies to find out the cost of web development. Still, In the Market, companies follow a Five Stages strategy to understand the Project and Real costs requirements.

The Five Steps Process:

#1 Requirements Gathering/Analysis

This is a Very initial Stage; at this Stage Softwares, companies do big interviews with clients and teams to find out this Project’s requirements. What exactly is the Client looking for? In this Process, companies ask the Client for better Clarity, Visions, and Desired features. At this time, companies are Creating Goals to hit. Every Software company has its Software Analyst act as communication between company and Client. The Major work done by Business analysts is to collect all the requirements given by the Client and share them with companies to start Fulfilled. Then Companies Create a Prototype, Framework and Note it down as documentation. So, companies Understand the real Requirements and Start working on Goals.

Resources Needed in this Step: A Product given by Client and A Project Manager

#2 Design

Now, companies Understand the Client Requirements, but it’s time to design it properly. It’s a major step because how the application looks, feels, and Its Interference depends on this Process. Companies start researching Interface, Look and feel, Elements to make applications better. They have a Web application designer who makes eye-catching Interfaces for clients’ projects that give a user-friendly experience. So much product testing, Look and feel done in this Step. Companies take time in this step because it’s a really important step in a project.

Resources Needed: UI/UX Developer

#3 Development

Now it’s time to make ideas into reality, and this Step is working on making client demand into Reality. By following the Step by step Process, companies start working on Front-end and Backend Development. At this stage, coding teamwork heavily and developing Applications with all desired Requirements clients are looking for. Even at this stage, so much testing is done because it’s a development stage.

Resources Needed: 1-3 Web Developers

#4 Testing

When Companies reach this stage means they already make client dreams into Reality. Now it’s time for testing how it works and making sure to deliver the desired output. At this stage, companies work with Quality assurance engineers to test the Entire Web application at each level. Different types of testing are done by testers like – Manual tests, Automation tests, etc. At this time tester done so much small but important testing in the web application, and when they were satisfied with testing then for Final testing, they send to User Acceptance Testing (UAT) as we all known as Beta Version that gives Some users to Use the application and share review how it’s working and giving desired outputs.

Resources Needed: Quality Assurance Testers

#5 Launch and Maintenance

This is the Final stage of Creating Web application, or it’s a Stage to launch a client application in the Market. Companies have already done testing and checked how it performs, how it looks and feels while accessing this Application, and Getting desired results for which Application developed. That’s why it’s a Launching and Maintenance stage where everything checks properly before launching in the market. And When companies and clients are satisfied with Web Applications, this Application is ready to Launch in the Market. 

If we talk about maintenance when applications launch in the market, they require maintenance. After building a Web application, companies need to do maintenance as per demand.

Resources Needed: The whole Team 

There are Eight Types of Web Application Development done by Companies:

● Basic Web Application

● Data-Driven Application

● Social Networking Application

● E-commerce Web Application

● Marketplace Application

● IoT & Hardware Application

● Authentication Application

● On-Demand Application

Clients need to figure out first which type of Application they want to develop so that it’s easy to understand the Market price of building these types of applications. 

Let’s Understand the Real Factors that take the Cost of Web Development:

These are some main components that affect web application development costs:

● The Scope of Work 

● Market Niche

● Major Technical Complexities

● UI/UX Design (Interface)

● Inside Requirements 

● Deadline of Project

These are some major points that companies consider to calculate the Web application development Cost. And if you’re a developer then you can keep these points in mind.


After reading this article, I’ll get Complete ideas about What factors companies use in Web application development cost and A Process follow in Web Development Companies. If you’re a developer and don’t know yet how to charge a client for web application development, you can charge the Right Amount to the Client after using this Process and Major factors. 

All factors are necessary to understand the Real cost of Web application development. 

The major part is done by the client-side when they decide which type of application they want to develop. It’s an important factor in understanding the type of Application you’re looking for and the cost of this type of application development. 

Frequently Asked Qns

Q.1 How Much time does it take to develop an application?

● Well, mainly, it depends on the type of application you want to develop. But if we take a medium-level application, it takes 5-6 months to develop the Application. But it depends on Multiple factors – like Client given deadline, Sudden changes required, Testing, and More.

Q.2 How to Pick the Best Company that will become my Tech Vendor?

● If you’re looking to hire a tech company to build your Application, then first you need to check companies portfolio, their experience, Milestone they hit, Recent Testimonials and Mainly How they’re communicating with you, how potential team members and make sure before approaching any company for your Project you need to estimate your Budget, Duration and Clear Requirements of your Application.

Q.3 Why do Tech companies Suggest clients Develop Native applications instead of Hybrid applications?

● Well, there is a big reason behind companies offering native applications to build because it’s cost-effective, so many possibilities to do in Application based on your requirements. Companies can do so much Customisation, Provide Better Quality and High Performance. Native Application has Eye-catching Interface in Application. And the biggest reason is, it has a lower risk of being banned from the app store. 

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Jignesh Vaghasiya
Jignesh Vaghasiya
Jignesh Vaghasiya is the CEO at Universal Stream Solution. Universal Stream Solution is a web development company in Atlanta ( That helps start-ups to enterprise companies in mobile & web technology.
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