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5 Things You Need To Become a Better Manager

HomeBusiness5 Things You Need To Become a Better Manager

Good management skills can’t be acquired overnight. However, suppose you dedicate your time and energy to expanding your knowledge and teaching yourself to use various resources to achieve your goals. In that case, you will learn to make better choices for the team and be a better manager. As you make progress, you’ll not only become better at doing your job, but you’ll also discover new things about yourself and the people around you. Of course, trying to get the best results from everyone in your company is easier said than done, so here are five things you need to handle future projects and tasks like a pro.

Get to know your team

Understanding each individual in your team is key to becoming a better manager. When you learn about each person’s role, you will get the idea of your team’s dynamic, and you’ll also be able to understand their capacity and needs. However, getting to know all team members can be a long process. It will take some time before you can effectively categorise all employees and learn new methods to utilise their skills.

Until then, it’s essential to discover your individual communication style and then navigate different communication styles at work. In addition, keep in mind that not everyone likes to talk in a group, which is why it’s recommended to organise individual sessions or meetings with your team members to get to know them. Luckily, many courses in Australia can help you enhance your communication skills and improve your leadership strengths.

Lead by example

A great leader is not someone who can give orders and wait for people to follow blindly. If you want to lead your team members to greatness, it’s critical to set an example and be the person they can look up to in challenging or stressful times. Actions always speak louder than words, which is one of the main reasons this approach to leadership can boost productivity in the workplace.

Of course, you should expect your team to hold high standards, but you need to follow these first if you want to see some positive changes. For example, even if you have a favourite coworker, don’t give them special privileges just because you have the power to do so. All your team members should be treated equally, and any attempt to break this rule can lead to problems and disbalance.

Motivate your team members

Dealing with negativity in the workplace can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience dealing with these issues. Although some employees don’t get along with each other, the lack of energy and perseverance can also be the root of this problem. A good manager will solve these issues by motivating and encouraging team members to set and achieve new goals.

However, remember that motivation isn’t reflected in the words of praise only. Different types of rewards can motivate employees and help them boost productivity in the workplace. In addition, listening to your team members and encouraging them to provide feedback can also improve their relationship with work and other people in the office. With that in mind, it would be best to recommend new team bonding activities and find new ways to boost employee morale.

There’s more to being a good manager than establishing order in the office. Some managers are required to promote businesses, products or services, and if that is one of your main tasks, you will need to keep up with the trends and find new ways to spread brand awareness.

Of course, there are many ways to put the business on the radar and attract new customers and clients along the way. For starters, a web design agency in Perth can help the company you work in to establish an online presence or improve the website homepage. A new, refreshing design will drive more traffic to the website you’re in charge of and even increase eCommerce sales.

In addition, you should help other team members create a new slogan, for example, or oversee other tasks related to building a new brand image. Therefore, it would be best to stay on top of the latest trends, as your knowledge can help other people in your department.

Give honest feedback

As stated earlier, your team members should feel encouraged to talk about issues in the workplace and provide honest feedback. However, as it usually goes, you will have to give something in return if you want to stimulate changes and create innovative solutions to problems. Honest feedback is essential for every healthy professional relationship, so be mindful of how you share your thoughts with other workers.

For example, it’s easy and even recommended, to share positive feedback in group meetings. However, if you have suggestions on how some employees can improve their work, it would be best to share your ideas in a private setting. What’s more, if you can find an acceptable way to share constructive feedback, your team members will eventually find a way to work through the issues and deliver better results.

So, if you want to be a better manager, you can conduct workshops that will teach your team members how to handle receiving constructive criticism. In addition, a good manager will teach their team new conflict resolution skills that will help everyone in the office create a happy workplace.


A great manager spends a lot of time repairing relationships at work, but they’re also in charge of everyone’s well being and satisfaction. In addition to that, some managers have to monitor finances, invoices and even websites, which is what makes this job even more challenging. 

However, working on your skills and building better relationships at work can be very rewarding. If you do your job right and find new ways to help the company and its employees grow, you will manage to tackle new challenges that come your way and foster a positive work environment where you can thrive and nurture your talent and skills.

pearls of wisdom
Mark Bingham
Mark Bingham
Mark is a marketing professional with over 5 years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a co-author on several technology websites.


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