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Litter Box Basics Every Cat Owner Should Be Educated On

HomeEducationalLitter Box Basics Every Cat Owner Should Be Educated On

A cat can make one of the sweetest companions you will ever have. They are playful, curious, and independent. Felines can also give the best snuggles when you need a little loving. If you are thinking about bringing a kitten home, make sure you’re prepared. Purchasing a litter box will be one of the most important items on your to-do list. Take some tips on litter box basics to make life easier for you and your cat.

Make Sure You Choose a Litter Box that is the Right Fit

Be selective when choosing a cat litter box for your new companion. Make sure you give it plenty of room to take care of business. Never go too small. Your cat is not going to appreciate a cramped space. Bear in mind that your kitten is going to grow up. It’s okay if you choose something larger that will give it room to grow. There are many different types of litter boxes, from open trays to boxes that have a top entry. A litter box with a lid on it is going to help you to control odors. Choose one with a front and top entry to give your kitty options when it’s time for a little privacy. Avoid self-cleaning litter boxes. While automatic litter boxes are an attractive option for cat owners because they make cleanup easier, they could scare your cat. They are also an expensive investment.

Choose the Right Location for the Litter Box

Any cat owner knows how important it is to be discreet about having a litter box. You don’t want it out in the open where everyone will see what has been left behind. Put time and thought into tucking the litter box away. Out of sight, out of mind is a good philosophy. One of the best alternatives is a room where the litter box is out of the way. The laundry room, basement, or utility room could make a convenient location for your cat’s essential accessory. You’ll need to leave the door open a crack or put in a cat door to provide your cat with access at all times. Other helpful locations could be under a stairway, in a cabinet with a flap, or under a bench. Make sure the litter box’s location is in a space where your cat will have peace and quiet.

Find a Litter that Works Best for Your Cat

Picking out litter for your kitty shouldn’t be a casual choice. You’ll want something that has fine particles. Get as close as possible to a consistency like sand. It should be comfortable when it comes to your cat’s feet. Steer clear of litter with added scents. Otherwise, your cat may avoid it due to a sensitive nose. The litter should absorb odors, produce a low level of dust, not track when your cat leaves the box, and clump easily. Experiment with several varieties to find the brand that you and your cat like best.

Clean the Litter Box Often

Daily cleaning is a rule of thumb when maintaining a litter box. Purchase a garbage can and line it with scented trash bags. Scoop any clumps and waste from the box at least twice a day. Empty out the old litter every two weeks. Wash the litter box thoroughly before filling it with fresh litter. Baking soda on the bottom of the box is a helpful addition to eliminate unwanted odors. A tidy litter box isn’t only preferable for pet owners. Cats want a clean place to go to the bathroom every day. Otherwise, they might leave surprises in places where you least expect them.

Introduce Your Kitty to the Litter Box Right Away

As soon as you have brought your kitten home, set it in the litter box. Bring your kitten back to the box after a nap, meals, and playtime. You can even give it a little treat when it has used the litter box appropriately. Cats usually pick up litter training with ease.

A litter box is a necessity for life indoor cats. It might mean a little inconvenience for you. However, the peace of mind will be worth it when you know your beloved companion is safe inside the house. As long as you take good care of the litter box, it shouldn’t be a problem. The joy of owning a cat far outweighs the work of cleaning a litter box.

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Maggie Bloom
Maggie Bloom
Maggie graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations.
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