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The Benefits of a Clutter-Free Home

HomeWellnessThe Benefits of a Clutter-Free Home

Home is your place of refuge after a long day at work or school. When you walk through your door, you want to feel a sense of comfort and rest, but when you step into a messy kitchen or bedroom, your mind will wander to your home to-do list. Then, your feeling of peace will become a sense of anxiety over having to clean before eating a meal and hanging out on the couch. Decluttering and minimizing items in your home has lasting benefits. Here are some examples of why decluttering is useful. 

3 Reasons Why Decluttering is Worth It

  1. A Sense of Pride

Decluttering your home makes it feel great and gives you a heightened desire to head home for an evening of relaxation. You may even want to invite friends over for dinner because you feel good about how your home looks and want to share your space with others. Feel a sense of accomplishment when you finish tidying up the house each day and take in the beautiful home around you.

  1. Less Stress

When you walk into a clean, well-kept place, you immediately feel a sense of calm. However, when you walk into a messy room, your subconscious mind starts putting together a task list to clean the area up. When you spend time throwing out unwanted belongings and take time to pick them up every day, your stress levels at home will diminish. You will be confident walking through your door and knowing the house is clean. 

  1. Increased Productivity

Your mind will not wander as much when your home is orderly. With everything in its place, your brain doesn’t have to think about what is cluttering the living room and where it needs to go. You can focus on other tasks, such as playing with the kids or dog, cleaning the car, or a hobby you keep putting off. You will have more time to rest and rejuvenate when your home is clean and clutter-free.

If you work from home, having a well-kept house will give you high productivity rates because you won’t be sitting there staring at your to-do list while trying to complete your work list. You can enjoy your time working and then relax on the couch after hours instead of jumping right into a home project.

Creating a Minimalist Home

Many people see the minimalistic trends for home decor and living style as a way to accomplish the reasons for having a clutter-free home. The less you have, the less you have to work to keep it clean, the more you can complete it in a day, and the better you will feel about your home. 

You may be wondering how to get to the point of a minimalistic home with all of your current belongings. Here are some simple tricks to keeping your house decluttered and clean, giving you extra time for other fun activities in life.

5 Tips for Decluttering Your Home

  1. Everything Has a Place

Everything you have, from clothing to toys to books to games, should have a specific place in your home. When you give every item its own home, you will know right where it is and where it is to go when you finish using it. Cabinets, bookshelves, and storage organizers are excellent home furnishings that can help you achieve a decluttered look by storing your belongings in their appropriate locations. 

If you have something that doesn’t have a special place or that you find you never use, it will probably be an item you want to consider reselling, donating, recycling, or trashing. When you find these items, ask yourself, “It doesn’t have a spot, so do I need it?”

  1. Space Separation

Many people work from home and want to create a specific working space. Designing a home office separate from other rooms in the house is essential to keeping a work-life balance. It will allow you to focus on work during that time and enjoy your home life when the work day is complete. Bookshelves are excellent for providing barriers between your desk and the rest of the house to give you peace and focus while working.

  1. Furniture

Furniture, like couches, chairs, or side tables, makes your home feel cozy and inviting. However, sometimes we tend to overdo furniture purchases or, over time, collect so much that it closes in a room and makes it feel very small. Do an inventory of your furniture to see if any is outdated, underused, or taking up space that you could clear out.  

  1. Daily Pickup Time

Take time each day to go through the house and pick things up. If you have children, it is very easy for a home to get cluttered in a matter of minutes. If you live alone or with another adult, it can still be easy to leave dishes in the sink or not make your bed. Taking a few minutes a day to reduce clutter and organize the house will help you feel calm in your home when you are there. It is also a great way to teach children to help clean up and the importance of taking care of their belongings. 

  1. Hire an Interior Designer

Making your home speak to your personality is important. Designing it to your interests and enjoyment makes it your home vs. just another house. Home interior designers are excellent resources for advising on organizing your home and making it neater while keeping your tastes in the designs. A design artist can use software tools to give you an idea of what your home will look like after decluttering and the effectiveness of the changes to your home and life.

Start Decluttering Today

Making your home an amazing place to enjoy and feel at peace is easy with these simple ways of decluttering. Whether you pick up everything daily, donate unused items, or have an interior specialist help you organize your rooms, you will benefit from your home’s new look and feel.

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Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith is an LA-based content strategist and consultant in support of STEM firms and medical practices. He covers industry developments and helps companies connect with clients. In his free time, Aaron enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels.


  1. Clutter really does affect one’s moods negatively. It even saps what little motivation one might have to declutter. Almost as if clutter begets clutter; the more you procrastinate decluttering the more clutter you accumulate. In fact, one of the merits of behavioral psychology is that it shows us how our environments affect our moods and mental states (See: There are those whose moods aren’t dampened by clutter or other debilitating factors of one’s surroundings, but for most of us, the relationship is simple: good, thoughtfully maintained surroundings equal good moods and mental states.


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