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12 Short online courses to empower you

HomeEducational12 Short online courses to empower you

Online courses have changed the way learners get knowledge and skills to improve themselves. It is self-efficient and reliable because it can be accessed anywhere across the globe. The students can attend the sessions at any time according to their convenience and on their own personal electronic gadgets.

The prices of the 12 online courses are reasonable and affordable.

#1 Learn how to lead a meaningful life

This video course will help you discover how to find your life purpose so you can live a life of significance and know exactly what to do each day.

When you find your calling, and your life’s purpose, you’ll know precisely what it is that you want to accomplish and so you’ll know where you want to live, who to associate with, what to learn, and which career opportunities you need to take.

You’ll feel motivated to leap out of bed in the mornings, you’ll feel driven to keep moving forward.

In this 10-step-by-step tutorial, you will learn about

  • 4 Ways That Famous People Have Discovered Their Purpose
  • 5 Steps To Finding Meaning With Your Occupation
  • 5 Ways To Create More Meaning in Life
  • 7 Ways To Find Meaning in Life
  • 7 Ways To Prioritize To Find Meaning in Your Life
  • 10 Quick Tips to Develop Meaning By Helping Others
  • 10 Secrets to Identifying Your Purpose in Life
  • How to Create Actionable Intelligence Regarding Your True Purpose in Life
  • How to Discover Your One True Purpose
  • How to Identify Your Purpose by Reaching Your Goals

Click to know more…

#2 The Power Of Discipline

Motivation drives you, but only discipline can keep you going, ensuring that you continue to work hard towards your goal, even if there are countless obstacles in your way. Having great self-discipline prevents you from being reckless and remove all impulse from your thoughts and actions. Which in turn allows you to make decisions quickly and efficiently.

This 8-part video course will teach you how to master the art of discipline to achieve unimaginable success. You will learn strategies to implement self-discipline in your own life and enjoy incredible rewards.

With this course you will:

  • Bring your level of productivity to a new stratosphere
  • Incorporate the Power of Discipline in your daily lives
  • Become the Top Performer in your personal and professional life
  • Accomplish so much more than you ever thought possible
  • Experience exponential growth in your character values
  • Achieve ALL your dreams as quickly as possible

#3 Be Irresistible You

If you’re a visual learner, this makes it easier than ever to get results fast and start impressing anyone and becoming instantly more attractive.

With this course, you will learn how to present yourself a certain way, communicate a particular way, and respond to others a certain way that can help you to create a wealth of opportunities in your life.

Topics covered:

  • Impressing
  • Confidence and Adaptability
  • Attractiveness
  • Charisma
  • Likeability
  • More Ways To Increase Your Likeability
  • Communication And Building Connections
  • Presentation
  • Designing Your Impression

#4 Learn to be calm and have a healthy body

How Would You Like To Get Healthier And Feel Better Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible?

What’s the secret to happiness? Is it being rich? Is it having a loving family? Is it being healthy and living in an area of natural beauty? Is it all of those things?

The answer is that it’s none of them. And that might surprise you, but even with all those things going for you, you might be miserable. Meanwhile, someone living in the worst of conditions – with crippling hunger, illnesses, poverty, and not a family member in sight – can actually be one of the happiest people in the world.
So what’s going on?

Well, it all actually comes down to the way that you perceive your situation and the way you think about the circumstances you’re in. A billionaire can be depressed and especially if they don’t focus on what they’re grateful for. But if you learn to see the beauty in everything and if you can learn to calm your mind and shut out stress – then you can enjoy bliss wherever you are.

How do you accomplish this? Like anything, it comes from training. If you can learn to control your mind, whether, through meditation, CBT, or other methods, you’ll find that you can start to decide how you want to feel and how you want to react at any given time.

What’s more, having the ability to control your mindset like this can help you to achieve a lot of other things. Overcoming stress for instance means that you can stop ‘treading water’ and you can stop ‘putting out fires’. Instead, you can get your head above water and start to decide the trajectory you want for your life and how you’re best going to use your time.

#5 Freedom in Forgiveness

Once you understand the process of forgiveness, it’s time for you to use it to make the world that you live in a better place. You’ll be stronger, more compassionate, and more empathetic.

Topics covered:

  • Forgiving Others – What Is True Forgiveness?
  • The Power Of Forgiveness And How It Can Benefit You
  • The Danger Of Refusing To Forgive
  • Forgive Not Forget – Learn From Experience, Not Ignorance
  • Ways To Absolute Forgiveness
  • The Law of Forgiveness ñ Healing Mind, Body, Relationships, Personal And Professional Life
  • Focus on the Bigger Picture from Personal Forgiveness to World Peace
  • What Holds You Back From Forgiving

#6 Get Everything You Want In Life

How to Get Everything You Want in Life What do you want out of life?

For most of us, the answer is going to be somewhat different, though there will almost always be similarities. We all have different goals in our careers for instance and different priorities in general in our lives but there are still generally some basics we can mostly agree on.

That’s a fairly extensive list of items that incorporate a broad range of other things. Some of those things are abstract and not even easy to define. Success for one person is always going to be different from success for someone else.

Likewise, ‘happiness’ could be accused of being a fairly ambiguous term that may well just rely on a specific balance of hormones and other biological chemistry.

Other things might seem like they’re outside of your grasp. How can you have health if you have a chronic illness? Getting everything you want from life is a rather vague aim and something that’s rather destined for failure. But is there a strategy that you can take to put you on the right course?

Are there things you can do to ensure you’re always moving in the right direction? Is there a formula for success that can help you to progress in every area of your life?

In this guide you will be going over some of the advice shared by the top ‘self-help’ gurus in the business, we’ll be looking at some psychological principles and we’ll be taking a grounded approach to getting what you want.

#7 Learn to have an Organized Mind

The Organized Mind is a detailed process that will take you through organizing all the information that’s constantly bombarding you so that you can optimize your approach and start getting back on top of things and beating burnout.

#8 Learn how to overcome excuses

10 exclusive, step-by-step video tutorials that’ll show you the tools, techniques, and top tips to finally succeed and get results! 

Topics covered:

  • Top 5 Ways To Avoid Procrastination
  • 5 Secrets Of Getting Things Done Promptly
  • How To Do Your Best Work Quickly
  • How To Remain Happy Even When Busy With Work
  • Top 3 Ways To Keep Pressure From Getting To You
  • 5 Secrets Of Why You Procrastinate
  • Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Work Speed
  • 4 Questions To Ask To Know If You Need A New Occupation To Be Happy
  • 4 Questions To Ask To Know If Being An Entrepreneur Is Right For You
  • 5 Secrets To Overcome Procrastination

#9 Power Mindset Mastery

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to achieve the things that you desire in life? You try everything out there, and nothing seems to really work.

Yet, the funny thing is, some people just seem to be able to achieve what they want in life, one after the other. And what’s unfair is that they make it look so easy.

As compared to you, you are still where you are today, still wondering why you just can’t be like them and keep achieving the things you want in life.
The secret is in your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind can do 2 things only:
  • It can either work to help you achieve your goals and dreams…
  • Or it will work against you and keep giving you these excuses that stop you dead on your path towards achieving your dreams.

This video course will help you understand the secret, and apply it in your life, you will have absolute confidence to achieve literally anything that you want in life.

The course contains proven and time-tested tools and strategies that you can use immediately to achieve anything that you want out of life!

You will learn:

  • The Journey of Self-Discovery
  • The Path of Self-Discovery
  • Who Are You
  • The Little Voices In Your Head
  • The Conflict Between Good And Bad
  • Self-Love
  • Self-Renewal
  • Your Life Teacher
  • The Law Of Attraction
  • Learn To Manifest Your Dreams
  • Embrace The Changes In Life
  • Here To Powerful Manifestation

#10 Power Of Mindfulness

How Would You Like To Rid Yourself Of Stress And Fear And Get More Of What You Want In Your Life… Even Faster?

Are you ready to improve your life through the power of mindfulness? There are ways to be stress and fear-free. But, you cannot assure if that will be of a lifetime. You see, these videos made the secret-to-be-stress/fear-free-permanently, available.

Honestly, if you try to search to any searching sites of the ways on how to get rid of that unwanted attitude, you will be able to find a lot. But, how can you guarantee that the things you read online are true?

You see, the videos inside are the secrets to how to improve your mindset to be able to achieve a lifestyle with no interference. With that, you will be able to live your life to the fullest happily and fulfilled.

#11 The Empowered Life

Have you ever felt like you could be more? Like you could be better? Many of us look to other people in our lives and in the media and feel that they somehow are ‘doing better’ at life than we are.

Maybe they always look impeccable. Maybe they’re incredibly wealthy. Maybe they have an attractive wife. Most likely they will command a room and tell amazing stories with incredible charisma and charm.

Meanwhile, we struggle to get out of bed in the morning and to shave before we leave for work! How can you change?

Well, this product is here to tell you that the first step is probably not what you think it is. The chances are that until now, you may have been barking up the wrong tree!

Why? Because you probably don’t know exactly what it means to be the best version of yourself. What does it mean to unlock your true potential? How do you become successful?

#12 Your Inner Greatness

Many of us struggle with not reaching our fullest potential, feeling something is missing from our lives.

Whether we are afraid to act, don’t feel we’re good enough or worthy enough to have success, or just think it’s too hard to accomplish our greatest goals, many of us aren’t living the lives we are capable of living.

Here are just some of the benefits you’ll gain with this 10-part video course:

  • Find out why you are worthy and capable of reaching your potential.
  • Discover how limiting beliefs are formed and stop you from success.
  • Learn how self-awareness can help you learn your true self.
  • Find out how you can maintain your self-esteem even in negative environments.
  • Discover how your fears were formed and how to end their power over you.
  • Stop over-preparing and over-analyzing, while taking more action.
  • Learn how both positive and negative thoughts can aid you in reaching your goals.
  • Find out how even growing up in an unsupported environment does not doom you to a life of mediocrity and acceptance.

pearls of wisdom
Panchal C A
Panchal C A
Panchal C A is a native of Kerala in India. He has completed his B.Tech and MBA from Mahatma Gandhi university and Cochin university respectively. His hobbies include playing table tennis, reading books, and social networking.


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