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Can yoga help increase testosterone level?

HomeWellnessCan yoga help increase testosterone level?

Today, yoga is a global phenomenon. There’s the traditional yoga like hatha yoga and bhakti-yoga. There are also modernized versions such as power yoga, relaxation, and hot yoga. And talking about benefits? There’s enhanced flexibility, balance, posture, strength, immunity stress reduction, sound sleep, and the list continues. All of this is pretty old news; we’ve heard it from our parents or doctors at one point or the other.

But here’s what you might have missed out: yoga can help you man up. How? It is by increasing your testosterone levels. High testosterone levels and its associated manly qualities are a point of bragging and confidence in men.

So, if you are struggling with low testosterone values, here’s what you should know about yoga and its impact on this male steroid hormone.


But first, what leads to Low Testosterone in Men?

As a man ages, his testosterone levels drop naturally. However, the story doesn’t end there. From 1984 to 2002, testosterone in men saw a worldwide annual drop of 1%. Scientists believe that trend could have only continued or even worsened in the following years owing to a combination of environmental, psychological, and lifestyle factors like:

1. Anxiety and Chronic Stress


In our modern fast-paced lives, stress and anxiety disorders are fast-spreading epidemics. More the stress you put on your body, higher the adrenaline levels and more the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol and testosterone work inversely; when one becomes too high, the body suppresses the generation of the other one to balance it out.

2. Smoking, Chronic Alcohol, and Drug Usage

Smoking and drinking regularly are not only detrimental to a man’s reproductive health but also his general health. Meta-analysis shows that smoking affects sperm count and testosterone by interfering with the oxygen delivery system of testes. Chronic alcohol consumption impairs spermatogenesis and testosterone production. Prescription drugs (for example cyclophosphamide, an anti-mitotic drug used in the treatment of cancer) often hinder testosterone production and alter the hormonal balance.

3. Artificial Food

If you thought having fast food regularly could only possibly cause gastric problems, you couldn’t be more wrong. Lesser the nutrient content in your food, more harm caused to your body. Inhibition of testosterone production is just one of the many negative effects of unhealthy food habits.

4. Obesity

Obesity affects around 10 – 30 % of adult men from Western countries. A major factor for a wide range of maladies, a BMI above 25 alters blood testosterone levels and minimizes sperm count and motility. Even if you theoretically not overweight, if you have belly fat, it will slow down the production of testosterone in the testes.

5. Environmental Toxins

Dwindling testosterone levels have also been linked with exposure to environmental pollutants like cadmium and POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants). Radiation from cell phones and wifi also disrupt the hormone balance.

Furthermore, low testosterone can be a result of health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, congenital diseases, improper functioning of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, etc.

Yoga: an Ancient Medicine

Yoga is a vast group of physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines that originated from religious practices in Indian around 500 B.C. In Western countries, the term ‘yoga’ often means a modernized form of the ancient practice called Hatha Yoga. Yoga gurus from India like Swami Vivekananda made it popular outside India in the 19th and 20th century. Once started as a religious practice by yogis and spiritual seekers, yoga has now developed into a posture-based physical fitness strategy (asanas) with modern science touting about its stress relief and relaxation effects.

Yoga for men: Boosts Testosterone Levels Naturally

The benefits of yoga don’t stop at enhanced flexibility, prevention or rehabilitation of injuries, low blood pressure and cholesterol, and improved overall health. For men seeking solutions to bolster their testosterone levels naturally, yoga provides an ideal option.

Yoga Helps to Regulate Stress


Yoga, being a spiritual practice, brings a sensation of calm and peace by balancing the secretion of hormones. When you grow anxious, the body activates its “fight or flight” mode. Muscle tissue decreases while blood pressure and inflammatory responses increase due to the increase in cortisol levels. It results in decreased testosterone levels. Yoga decreases salivary cortisol levels, 24-hour urine epinephrine, and non-epinephrine amounts, thus having an immediate tranquilizing impact on the HPA axis’s response to stress. The regulated slow and steady breathing in yoga triggers the “rest and digest” mode of the nervous system and promotes testosterone production.

It Stimulates Brain Functioning

A study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health showed that performing 20 minutes of Hatha Yoga enhanced cognitive abilities more than 20 minutes of walking or jogging. Better focus, conscious breaths, and coordinated body movements all regulate testosterone levels in the human body.

It also Reduces Fat

Practicing yoga helps to perk up your digestion, modulate blood sugar levels, and initiate fat burn. This way, it brings back normal testosterone levels in obese men.

What does Research say about Yoga and Testosterone?

In 1974, the researchers at the Hindu Benaras University conducted a study on a dozen men of around 23 years of age to analyze the impact of yoga on serum testosterone concentration. The men underwent rigorous yoga training for six months which included asanas like cobra pose, seated twist, wheel, locust, shoulder stand, etc. The training resulted in a 57% rise in testosterone levels in urine samples.

Yoga for Middle-Aged and Aged Men

With age, the necessity of yoga shifts from bone and muscle building to the protection of health. Psychological problems, mental disturbances, stress, and anxiety lead to major sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and loss of attraction towards female partners along with depleting testosterone levels. Almost 20% of men experience a significant decline in their testosterone values once they reach the retirement age. By helping in stress management and upgrading the functions of the circulatory, endocrine, and immune systems, yoga ensures a holistic approach towards well being even as a man ages.

Which Yoga Asanas can increase Testosterone?

Different asanas target different body parts to ensure their proper functioning and to improve health.

1. High Testosterone Yoga: the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)


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This entry-level yoga pose increases blood circulation in the genital area. The Science of Yoga: The Risks and Rewards, a book by William J. Board accounts a study conducted in Russia in 2001. It says that blood samples from seven healthy subjects showed a drop of 11% in cortisol levels and an average rise of 16% in testosterone level when they held the cobra pose for 2-3 minutes. In one of the volunteers, the levels surged to as high as 33% while it reached a whopping 55% in the sole female volunteer.

So, how to perform the pose? Lie down on the floor with your face downward, legs stretched and roughly hip-width apart. Inhale and then with the help of your hands, lift your torso off the ground. Press your pubic bone to the floor and look upwards. Just keep your head straight if you have neck problems. Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes before returning to the original position.

2. Viramudra: the Power Yoga Pose

Bernie Clark developed this Gin or Power Yoga pose from Amy Cuddy’s research on the association of body postures with cortisol and testosterone levels. To perform the virumudra pose, stand straight with your feet apart and chest expanded. Keep your hands on your hips and hold your head aloft. A few minutes in this position can instantly raise your testosterone level.

3. Shoulder Stand


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This upside-down pose can be a bit challenging for beginners but with practice, it gets easier. A shoulder stand not only helps to boost testosterone levels but also improves reproductive health in general. Lie down in supine. Now, raise your body and balance your feet up in the air. Support your body with your hands, keep your legs straight, and bring your chin close to your chest.

4. Plow Pose (Halasana)


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The plow pose helps to achieve a healthy balance between the levels of cortisol and testosterone in the body. Start by lying down on the floor on your back. Slowly bring your legs over your head while keeping your torso straight. Support yourself with the help of your neck and the tips of your toes. Place your hands straight and adjacent to the body. Maintain the position for around five minutes.

In the case of neck problems, try not to perform this pose. Instead, you can do other asanas known to perk up testosterone levels like supine spinal twist, locust pose, lotus pose, and wheel pose.

Healthy testosterone levels mean increased strength, less fat, higher energy, and more muscle build. Additionally, it can improve your libido, thereby firing up your sex life. Who wouldn’t want these? Yoga provides one of the easiest and most effective methods to boost your testosterone levels and lead a healthy and happy life. Top it up with quality products from teragon labs to get the best results.

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