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How to choose the best workout for your body type

HomeWellnessHow to choose the best workout for your body type

Are you spending hours in the gym, but the results you are looking for are nowhere to be seen? You may feel frustrated and unmotivated to keep working out and after a while, you will quit exercising and become a couch potato again. Before you do it, you should know that there are four body types and all that you have to do is to find the best workout for your body type. The results you’ve been aching for will be there and, besides, you will not spend hours in the gym. You will realize that exercising is not that time-consuming and that it can be fun, too. So, the first step to your desired body is to find the best workout for your body type.

Apple-shaped body

If you have an apple-shaped body type, you are generally well-proportioned. However, your trouble zones are waistline and belly. Your shoulders may be broader than your hips, but your main problem is that you don’t have a well-defined waistline. The solution for your body type is a so-called HIIT exercise. It is high-intensity interval training which consists of cardio sessions arranged in short sections of 20 to 90 seconds of very hard work. You should do HIIT exercises to boost your health and with the HIIT you will also:

  • gain muscle
  • burn calories in a short amount of time
  • improve oxygen consumption
  • metabolic rate is higher for hours after exercise
  • and it’s not only the best workout for your body type but every body type.
Woman in pink shirt running
It’s not difficult to find the best workout for your body type

However, you shouldn’t toss strength training because that will help you to develop tight muscles around your waistline. Some famous people have an apple-shaped body among them are Drew Barrymore, Oprah, and Linsay Lohan.

Pear-shaped body

Pear-shaped body type carries excess weight in the hips, butt, and thighs. It’s hard for this body type to put on muscle and it’s easy to gain weight. But you can’t blame genetics and do nothing about it! You should get up and work out – it just might take a little more time and effort but it will pay off. Try doing fat-blasting moves and total body strength training. There are many reasons for considering zumba as fast fat burning cardio – it helps you burn more calories than moderate-intensity training, it works your whole body and tone every muscle group, and above all, you are dancing. The dance moves will help you improve your posture and balance. Add some strength training to accentuate curves and you will feel strong and powerful. Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce have pear-shaped bodies and they look gorgeous, don’t they?

People with differetn body types doing zoomba at the playground - it can be the best workout for body type as well
Zumba is so much fun

Stick-straight-shaped body

This body type is also referred to as a boyish body type because it lacks curves. If you have this body type, you might feel the envy of your girlfriends since they might think that you can lose weight without diet and that you don’t have to exercise at all. However, according to “the grass is always greener” principle, you are longing for those curves and thinking you are not hot enough with these boyish hips. The best workout for your body type is strength-building workout and cardio. You should do bodyweight, pushups, and planks which will help you strengthen your postural muscles. Yet, it’s a slow process for the straight body to gain muscle. To improve your endurance, stamina, and health you should include some cardio. The celebrities with the boyish body type are Gwynet Paltrow and Cameron Diaz.

Hour-glass-shaped body

With an hour-glass shaped body type, you are curvy both on the top and bottom and your hips might be wider than your shoulders with a small appearing waist. You are desperate for finding the best workout for your thighs, upper arms, and belly pooch. Total body sculpting and fat burning cardio will benefit the hourglass silhouette and it will keep your heart rate elevated and metabolism burning for hours after you leave the gym. If you find these exercises rather boring, you should think about finding a good workout buddy  Motivating and inspiring each other will help you to keep going and not skip your workout which is quite important since your body type finds losing body fat a challenge. But don’t be desperate, Scarlet Johanson and Sofia Vergara have an hourglass body and they are dazzling.

Two women working out together
Find a workout buddy and do it!

Before you find the best workout for your body type

Nevertheless, before you start with your training you should be well equipped. Everyone wants to look and feel great while they sweat, but apart from being cute, your clothes should be functional as well. Your workout clothes should be made of natural fabric and you should feel comfortable wearing it. Luckily, the increasing popularity of stylish and trendy activewear has made super-comfortable clothing that is not suitable just for the gym. Putting on a good pair of training shoes before you start working out is a must. They have to be stable and secure and yet, you should feel free to move wherever you want. The training shoes are crucial because you can easily get hurt while running or doing your HIIT workout and recovery from an injury can be very difficult.

There are no more excuses! Find your body type among these and choose the best workout for your body type.  Put on your fancy, yet comfortable workout clothes, find your workout buddy if you want and hit the gym. You must remember that diet and exercise influence body shape and that you can’t expect changes overnight. Be patient and consistent and the results will come.

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  1. I want to congratulate you for How to choose the best workout for your body type article.

    Life can be wonderful! 🙂 Kisses everyone!

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