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Root Canal and Dental Implants: The Rest of the Story

HomeWellnessRoot Canal and Dental Implants: The Rest of the Story

Has your dentist told you that you need to undergo a root canal or endodontist treatment procedure? If it’s true then you are not alone in this. Millions of people every year undergo this treatment to save their teeth and to get rid of severe pain. However, if the tooth under consideration is irritated, severely infected, and has a deep decay then a root canal is not an option anymore. In this situation, a dental implant is the only option to be considered. Let’s have a closer look at root canal treatment & dental implants.

It’s not necessary but your dentist can combine a root canal with a crown for normal functioning. On the contrary, a dental implant requires complete removal of the infected tooth. Tooth removal is then followed by a metal post that is installed in the jaw bone. 

Read on to know about the process, cause, problem, surgery and how to get rid of toothache using a dental implant or a root canal procedure. 

What is Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure that aims to save and repair a severely damaged tooth instead of removing it. “Root Canal” means to clean the canals inside the root of a particular tooth.

The main purpose of the root canal is to get rid of the decay and infected pulp surrounding the tooth. The treatment also provides protection against future invasion from infectious microorganisms.

Inflammation of the soft tissue, deep decay and repeated dental treatments can lead to the need for root canal treatment & dental implants. 

The need for Root Canal

The pulp is the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerve endings, blood vessels and connective tissues. This pulp is important when the tooth is developing, but once it’s done the tooth can survive without the pulp. 

Sometimes this pulp gets decayed and infected due to some microbial infection or some other problem. The pulp inside the tooth becomes inflamed which causes unbearable severe pain. The patient is only left with two options that are RCT & dental implants. However, the first option is more desirable.

RCT Procedure in Dubai

Endodontics usually perform this procedure to remove the infected pulp and to reshape the canal of that tooth. The root canal usually involves the following step by step procedure:

  1. After the physical examination, an endodontist take radiographs and x-ray imaging to understand the situation.
  2. Then the dentist numbs the tooth and places a dental dam over that area.
  3. The dentist then makes a small opening in the crown area to extract out the infections pulp and canals of the teeth.
  4. After shaping the space to be refilled, the dentist inserts biocompatible material to seal the openings of the tooth. The sealing is done to prevent microbial infection in the future.
  5. It’s not necessary but your dentist may also place a crown if there is the need, to restore full function.

What is a Dental Implant

A dental implant is a procedure that is done to replace the roots of teeth. These are very strong foundations for the replacement tooth that are later placed. After so much advancement in dental practices, 98% of all dental implant procedures are successful. Anyone who is healthy enough can undergo a dental implant procedure.

Purpose of Dental Implant

Dental implants are placed if a tooth becomes severely infected and there is a risk that the infection can spread further. A patient usually opts for this procedure when a root canal fails to save the tooth. 

A dental implant can be a permanent solution if teeth break or fall due to some disease or accident. In all these cases, a dental implant is usually the best option for the patient.

Dental Implant Treatment Procedure in Dubai

Periodontics usually perform this procedure to replace the root of the teeth. The step by step dental implant procedure is explained below

  1. After numbing the area and removing the infected teeth a small titanium post is carefully placed inside the bone socket.
  2. The jaw bone then heals and anchors the implant by growing around it. This process usually takes 12-14 weeks.
  3. After that, the abutment (connector post) is attached to the titanium post.
  4. A replacement tooth that feels and functions like a natural tooth is then attached to the connector post.

Connection Between Root Canal & Dental Implants

A dental implant is done if the root canal fails to save the tooth from infection and decay. However, the success of the root canal procedure is more desirable, as it saves your original tooth. 

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants 


  1. No risk of re-infection.
  2. Lifetime solution to the problem.
  3. Healthy and beautiful teeth with a natural look.


  1. Uneven bite force.
  2. The patients lose their original tooth
  3. The cost and recovery time of a dental implant is much more as compared to RCP.

Pros and Cons of Root Canal


  1. Long-lasting results.
  2. No tooth extraction required.
  3. More economical and short recovery time.
  4. Stops and prevents the spread of infection.


  1. Risk of re-infection.
  2. The weakening of tooth eventually leading to tooth extraction.
  3. The crown after the root canal has to be replaced after 7-10 years.

Final Verdict

The final decision about undergoing a root canal or a dental implant is yours. It’s better to make up your mind before a dental surgeon asks you to choose between the two procedures. However, it better to go with the recommendation of your dentist.

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Bella James
Bella James
Hi, I'm Bella, just another beauty blogger with an eye on the latest healthcare trends.
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  1. Such an insightful article on root canals and dental implants! It’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons of both procedures for long-term oral health. At Forest Heights Family Dental in Edmonton, we provide expert consultations to help you choose the best treatment plan, whether it’s a root canal or a dental implant. Your smile’s health and comfort are our top priority. For more information, visit here


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