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What to expect from SEO: 6 predictions (Updated)

HomeInsightsWhat to expect from SEO: 6 predictions (Updated)

There was an exponential growth in the field of digital marketing, the year was loaded with new trends, updates, and tools but nowadays search engine optimization is not limited to stuffing the keywords in website or blog.

First of all, What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the united term for diversified strategies used to make a web page rank in the top of search engine result page in the most commonly used search engine i.e google, bing, yahoo. But here we are mainly talking about Google as he is the dominant leader among the other search engine.

Some are just tiny tweaks, but on several occasions, the search engine releases major algorithmic updates which strongly shiver the website rankings.

  • Fred
  • Intrusive Interstitials Update
  • Mobilegeddon
  • RankBrain
  • Panda
  • Penguin
  • Hummingbird
  • Pigeon
  • Payday
  • EMD (Exact Match Domain)
  • Page Layout Algorithm

The latest Google update was global broad core algorithm update which was released on 12th March 2k19

1. Keywords are becoming less important:-

Those are the old days when you put some keywords and expect the keyword to be on the top. To stay at the top you need to focus on search intend and code optimization.

Then the question arises what is search intent? In simple words the intention behind the search. This can be broadly classified into three category navigational intent, informational intent, and informational intent

People with this type of intent try to get to a particular website, for example, searching Twitter on google. This types of searches come in the category of navigational intent.

Informational intent-

In this type the people searching on the internet are looking for information about a specific topic like searching for the reviews of mobile or information about weather. This types of searches come in the category of informational intent.

Transactional intent-

People looking to buy particular kind of stuff and searching on the internet for getting the best purchase comes in the category of transactional intent.

2. Video content is Booming day by day:-

Videos are not only entertaining but it also gives glimpses of what’s your business and service is all about. According to statistics more than 500 million videos are watched on YouTube. If you are not targeting videos, then you’re definitely losing a lot of traffic, may be start making the video-based content and hit the large traffic. Video is a versatile weapon for salespeople and it can do more than just increasing engagement. There are various types of video marketing like demo videos, explainer video,360& virtual reality videos, animated videos, personalized messages and many more. Video on the landing page is able to increase the conversion rate by 80%.

3. Artificial intelligence will influence the SERP-

AI will impact almost all the field and search engine is no exception. It’s no mystery that Google main focus is user, all the systems introduced and efforts put in ai is for improving the relevance of content for the searcher.SEO has gone through many modifications over the years. The basic elements will remain the same i.e keywords, unique content, link buildings, etc.SEO experts started freaking out when Google introduced Rankbrain a machine learning algorithm. This also initiated the journey of artificial intelligence in the field of digital marketing Artificial intelligence is basically machine learning it is working in parallel with SEO by monitoring the user behavior on the particular website and flipping through the content of the blog Day by Day scientist are remodeling artificial intelligence and Google is also taking advantage of this by bettering and identifying the algorithms. Therefore the previous working strategy of SEO may not work in future.Ai will also influence the content marketing in a drastic way

4. Voice Search Will Completely change the way of searching:-

Moving away from typing the keywords in address bars of browsers, voice search has already crossed the threshold. Researchers are predicting that the voice search will take over 50% of the total searches.  Voice searches have already acquired a good percentage of all total searchers across the world. Voice search will drastically improve the search results and user experience. And due to extensive use of voice search major search engine like Google are giving special priority to voice search optimization.

Voice search allows the user to speak into the device instead of typing keywords manually Voice search uses speech recognition technology to understand what the user is saying Now with google assistant, Siri and Cortana user with any smartphone user can ask the question physically.

5. Content will remain absolute leader:-

There is a common saying in the digital marketing industry that “content is the king”.SEO begins and end with the content. The Websites showing only relevant and timely content will populate the future. Content is the king doesn’t mean posting elongated 4000 words articles it’s all about posting the legitimate and relevant content. So to maintain the topmost position in 2k19 you cannot avoid the importance of content.

6.Mobile-First Index to dictate the health of your website

Mobile-First indexing means Google will primarily use the mobile version of for indexing and ranking of websites. For those who are wondering what is mobile-index, it is nothing but simply the measure of how well your website or blog is optimized so that a remarkable mobile version is delivered. At the beginning of 2018 google rolled out mobile first search indexing, with more and more users are depending on the smartphone for browsing the internet it becomes crucial for providing the browsing needs of this exponentially expanding group of customers and users.  

So if your company wants to stay in the top position online you cannot neglect the mobile first index. Website that do not have mobile-friendly websites may begin to see the search engine ranking slipping down.  

Concluding the thoughts

The search engine is becoming complex day by day. Initially there were only one or two ranking factors like having good quality backlink and right anchor text was enough to get on the top but nowadays there are hundreds of ranking factors and definitely, you will require a skillful and experienced to handle your website and Discover Web Tech is the most reliable agency for handling all your needs. And it’s one of the most prominent internet marketing service provider in Gwalior.

To stay in the top in this competitive world you need to continuously adapt the latest modification. Well said, “change is the only constant in life”. In the field of digital marketing there will be some major changes like the introduction of AI, voice search and some things will remain the same as the importance of quality content.

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Palash Patni
Palash Patni
Hey, I'm Palash Patni, Digital Marketing Executive at Discoverwebtech - A leading internet marketing service provider in central India. We are helping individuals and small businesses to enterprise level companies by providing our smart solutions. For any query or business partnership, you can contact us at-
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