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The most effective 10 tips to choose a graphic designer

HomeTechnologyThe most effective 10 tips to choose a graphic designer

Graphic designers are the ones who design the logos, layouts, posters, designs for applications, magazines, brochures, websites, etc. with the help of a software or by hand to attract the consumers.

Irrespective of a particular industry all the businesses need a good logo or design which represents their brands and speaks about what they have to offer. There are many famous brands in this world whose logo is enough to recognize them and there are people who buy those products just because they love the logo and want to show the world how big fans they are of these brands. Few examples of famous brands and their logos include Apple, Nike, Starbucks, Mc Donald’s, Gucci, etc.

So, if you are all set to enter into the market and start your business and want to have a unique identity for your brand or business a good graphic designer is what you need. There are many graphic designers available but to choose the best one there are certain things you have to keep in mind.

Below are the tips that will assist you to choose the best graphic designer:

1. Set the right expectations:

To start any project every designer needs to know what your business is all about so explain in detail what your brand is, what your brand offers, and background about your whole business, also tell them clearly what exactly and how exactly you need it to be done. If there is any deadline ensure if the designer is willing to complete the work within the deadline. Telling the requirements prior will make it easy and makes sure the project runs smoothly.

2. Understand the right skills you need:

We understand that you are hiring a graphic designer because you are not aware of how it is done but instead of remaining completely clueless researching the basic skills will be an advantage. Ask the designer how long they have been working on these skills like adobe illustrator, visual studio, or if they will be using other technologies on your project. And the good and professional designer will be aware of the latest versions of the skills and the advanced technologies.

3. Don’t conclude by seeing the portfolio:

Although portfolios play an important role as they reflect the designer’s work and experience it should not be the deciding factor to hire a designer. Of course, they will have a good portfolio because they want to impress you but be smart enough to ask in detail about their work and what inspired them to do such a design. Ask them questions that bring out their creative side or give some scenarios related to your business and what solution they come up with.

4. Start by offering a small project:

There might be circumstances where the designer is good theoretically and have answered all your questions as expected but to see the hand-on experience you can give him/her a small task which will take few hours to complete after all you don’t want your business to be the experimenting factor or to judge the designer’s practical knowledge. So giving a small project will build trust and assures you that you are on the right path. You can pay for the small project just as motivation.

5. Ask about their requirements:

Two-way communication is always better as it is not enough to be a good speaker you also need to be a good listener so once you have told about your requirements ask what the designers need from you or your business this will boost their confidence and avoids any hustles during the project. The requirements might include documentation, artwork, feedbacks, discussing the design concepts, about the preference of color codes, proofing, etc.

6. Explain about your brand and the targeted audience:

No one else better than you knows what exactly your brand is and what type of people and how will the people connect with your brand so you have to explain in detail about your thought process, how your business works, share your point of view so that a good designer will understand and make the exact audience reach your brand which will, in turn,  receive more traffic to your website.

7. Check for the relevant experience:

The experience of a candidate speaks a lot about his/her work so understand if the designer is having that, if yes was it in the same industry? Hiring an experienced candidate will be time-saving as they grasp the things better and you don’t have to spoon-feed them also if they have worked in the same industry before they will know the strategies that would and wouldn’t have worked for the audience and they will proceed accordingly.

8. Ask for video chat:

If you are interviewing the candidate personally nothing better than that but if for some reason you were unable to do so arrange for a video chat that is because a person’s body language, gestures, and expressions represent his confidence and the personality but as over the normal phone call you won’t be able to see that ask for video chat for conducting the interview and check if you will be compatible to work with that person.

9. The cost factor:

It is always good to decide about the budget as the cost for designers vary upon several factors. The price also depends on how much work you are extracting from the designer is it just the logo, or a website, or a complete project which might take several days. Few designers work on fixed price but some of them charge on an hourly basis in this case you have to ask the designer how many works they might take to complete and accordingly fix the cost to avoid any hazels later.

10. Ask what inspires them:

It is important to know from where does the designer gets his inspiration as it doesn’t include the same work for all the projects. The inspiration can be from any great personality, books, nature, or anything. Ask why and how that particular thing inspires him/her. Just remember a resume will not tell about the personality but a conversation surely does.

Avatar Studio is one of Best Graphic design company in Bangalore

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