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UX Tips to Optimize Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

HomeTechnologyUX Tips to Optimize Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

Businesses spend a lot of money and hours making a landing page for their business. However, they may find that they may have minimal clientele growth even with many visitors. If this is the case with your business, it may be time to look into landing page optimization. Here is a guide for UX tips to optimize your landing page conversion rates.

What is Landing Page Optimization?

Businesses today employ Google Ads services to attract customers. When customers click on an ad, they are often directed to the business’s landing pages. 

Landing page optimization is the process of using data to improve and enhance the elements on a landing page to increase conversions. It is vital to optimize your business’s landing page because it acts as the online face of your business. Customers may get attracted to or put off by the landing page. Hence, you want to provide the best user experience (UX) for all potential customers so that your website stands out among the innumerable websites online. The better your landing page, the longer visitors will stay on it; Google Ads services will take note of this and will then show your ad in a higher position; thus, increasing the amount of traffic to your website.

UX Tips to Optimize Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

Enhance the landing page architecture: Your landing page should allow visitors to find what they need with minimal effort. Information architecture (IA) is the way a page is structured and organized. Work on the IA of your landing page so that visitors can find what they need easily. The two ways of improving the IA of your landing page are through card sorting and tree testing.

  • Card sorting helps you understand how to categorize and label the content on your website in a way that makes the most sense for visitors. A card sorting tool can be used to create a card sorting study in just a few minutes.
  • Tree testing is a way to test the intuitiveness and efficacy of the IA of the webpage. It helps to verify the results of the card sorting method. If a visitor gets lost on your website, it will inform you where that happened, so that you can rectify the issue. A tree testing tool can be used for this method.

These two methods work best when used together. Using the data provided by these tools, you can figure out where your webpages need to be improved for enhanced UX.

Make sure your visitors know the purpose of the website: A valuable tip for conversion rate optimization is to make the purpose of your website clear to visitors. You can use a tagline to explain the site’s purpose. Your landing page should have a headline that is attention-grabbing and informative. Use high-quality and relevant images and video to market your services or products. Videos are a great resource for conversion rate optimization as they help to improve it by up to a staggering 80%. All the elements on your landing page should make it very clear to visitors what exactly your business offers and who you are. This is crucial for brands that do not have worldwide recognition.

Implement color psychology wisely: It may seem unbelievable but research states that color can have a major impact on how visitors perceive the website. Just color alone is responsible for up to 94% of rejections by visitors. Color psychology cannot be dismissed when designing your website and in particular, your landing page. Certain colors have universal associations and meanings. For example, yellow, red, and orange elicit feelings of security, warmth, comfort, or anger and hostility (depending on the hue). Colors like blue, green, and purple elicit feelings of calm, relaxation, and freshness (depending on the hue). Studies have shown that color psychology influences conversion rates, loyalty, and buying habits; so, use color wisely. 

Avoid excess text: Landing pages cluttered with text tend to put off visitors who may have to read a lot to find what they are searching for. Minimize the text on your landing page. Keep the text straight-forward, simple, and to the point.

Get your Call-To-Action (CTA) button right: A CTA button is essential to any landing page; so, it should be relevant and eye-catching, and the placement should also be considered. A CTA button should be in line with the natural flow of the landing page when a visitor is navigating the page. Getting this placement correct entails knowing how far down the average visitor goes on your landing page. When you know this, you can place the CTA button in the best possible location. Another thing to keep in mind is the color of the CTA button. Green CTA buttons are usually better as green is associated with ‘go’. However, the color of the CTA button will depend on your website’s overall theme and colors. Your CTA button should employ a vibrant color that contrasts with the rest of the page. It should be large enough to not be missed. Leave adequate space around the button so that the page does not look cluttered. 

Improve the landing page’s loading speed: Slow loading pages will deter potential customers. The landing page should load within 0-2 seconds and at worst, 2-4 seconds. Pages that load in less than 1 second have a conversion rate of 32%. As the time increases, the conversion rate decreases. Use page speed tools to ensure the page is loading quickly. Work to improve the speed if it is slow.

Analyze and test your landing page regularly: The best landing page is regularly optimized. They measure and analyze data and statistics to increase and maximize the effectiveness of the page. Data and analytics can provide insight into why conversions either fail or succeed. Use this data to create better landing pages.

Studies show that a website has 50 milliseconds to create a good first impression on new visitors. Therefore, your landing page should provide the best UX to get the best conversion rates.

Also read: How to Create Effective Ad Copy that Converts Lead

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