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FUE Hair Transplant : The Ultimate FUE Hair Transplant Guide

HomeWellnessFUE Hair Transplant : The Ultimate FUE Hair Transplant Guide

Hair loss is a lot more common than most people would think – your hair, at any given point in time, is going through one of the several stages of hair growth and fall. Hair experts will tell you that losing anywhere between 80 to 100 strands of hair each day is normal.

However, it is when you start losing more hair than that. When you start noticing your scalp a lot more clearly or a recession in your hairline. There could be some cause for worry. Now, before you go looking for any hair transplant experts or a FUE hair transplant guide, you must get a proper understanding of your hair loss first.

If your hair loss has just started, then you will not have to consider a transplant. For a transplant, you need to have excessive hair loss and that too needs to be stabilized first. So, when you first start losing your hair. You might be asked to try some medications or even low-level laser therapy and a transplant would be considered.

Only when proper bald patches or an enlarged forehead become obvious. Even then, not every balding person would be a suitable candidate for a transplant. An experienced surgeon needs to ascertain that not only has your hair loss stabilized, but also that you have a proper donor and recipient area.

Now, let’s say, a surgeon gives you the green light for a transplant, you need to talk to them and get a clear understanding of which procedure would be better for you. There are several benefits of FUE hair transplant, but you need to make sure that this is the best option for you.

FUE is a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure, in which, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and then they are individually transplanted into the recipient areas. Which is where the balding or thinning is most apparent. This procedure is most commonly suggested to people who have an overall thinning or small bald spots.

In case your bald spots are too large, you might be suggested to consider strip surgery or FUT, in which an entire strip is removed from the scalp and then the grafts are harvested.

The most basic difference and perhaps even one of the most prominent benefits of FUE hair transplant is the fact that in FUT, there is a linear scar and even though it can be hidden with hair growth, it remains. However, with FUE, there are no visible scars, giving the final results a lot more natural effect.

Let’s start with the procedure:

Once you have met with the surgeon and finalized FUE as the procedure for your hair, you need to ensure that you get all your doubts and queries clarified. Before the procedure, you will be given certain instructions. These could vary from stopping certain medications, such as blood thinner to avoiding alcohol and smoking several days before the procedure.

On the day of the procedure, the first step will be to shave the donor area and ensure that it is properly sterilized. The procedure is generally done under local anesthesia, but if you are apprehensive, you can ask for sedation as well.

Individual follicles will then be extracted using a small punch tool known as a micro-punch. Small holes are left where the hair follicles are extracted. But these tend to heal very quickly and leave no visible scars either.

Simultaneously, the recipient area will also be prepared and tiny incisions will be made for the extracted hair follicles to be implanted. The implantation process has to be done very carefully and once this is done, the dressing will be done to protect your donor and recipient areas.

Post-procedure steps:

Any comprehensive FUE hair transplant guide will talk at length about the pre-procedure and post-procedure instructions. All of which will be provided to you and you need to follow to the T! Your healing and the perfection. The results will be heavily dependent on how closely and properly you follow the instructions given to you.

  • Immediately after the procedure, once the anesthesia starts to wear off, there will be some amount of discomfort, redness, swelling, and itching. All these are normal and should subside in some hours. Your surgeon will most probably prescribe some painkillers to help with the pain.
  • Within the first few days, there will be formation of scabs and while this is normal, it is important that you not scratch or try to pull them out. You will also be asked to protect your hair as much as possible and avoid strenuous activities such as working out. You can of course go for walks or practice gentle yoga or meditation.
  • In the first one or two weeks, the transplanted hair will shed, but this is normal and temporary because this is paving the way for new and permanent hair to grow in.
  • In about 12 months, you will be able to see proper hair growth and these should be your permanent hair.

There are several benefits of FUE hair transplant and here are just some of them –

What are the potential risks or complications of FUE hair transplant?

As with any surgical procedure, FUE hair transplant also carries some potential risks and complications. These could include infection, bleeding, swelling, scarring, shock loss, and poor growth. However, if the procedure is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon and if the patient follows all the pre-and post-procedure instructions properly, the risks and complications can be greatly minimized. It’s important to discuss any potential risks or concerns with your surgeon before deciding to undergo the procedure.

Why should one consider FUE:

  • Because a micro punch is used, only tiny holes are made during extraction and that will leave minimal scarring. When done by a precise hand, the so-called scars will get hidden under the hair growth and no one will even know that you had a transplant.
  • FUE has become so popular because it provides the most natural-looking results – the procedure has been designed to mimic. The natural hair growth and when done by a professional. There will be no way of distinguishing whether the hair has grown via a transplant.
  • Because there are no stitches or long-drawn dressings with FUE, the recovery is generally faster and the downtime is also less. In most cases, people can return to their normal routine in a very short period.

When a comprehensive FUE hair transplant guide is being built, there needs to be details about the cost factors and the possible side effects too. The cost factor will be dependent on how many grafts will be needed. How much recipient area has to be covered? How experienced the surgeon is, and even the location of the clinic will come into play.

If the procedure has been done by a professional. The chances of side effects are minimal however, some people could have infections, visible scarring, and uneven hair growth.

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Siksha Sharma
Siksha Sharma
Siksha Sharma is a professional blogger and medical content writer use to educate people about various health problems and tips to get rid of those in a natural way without any side effects. For more about the writer please refer her twitter profile @siksha_sharma


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