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100 Paid Advertising Secrets

HomeContent Marketing100 Paid Advertising Secrets

It will give you ideas for different types of advertising to buy and where from.

You learn some powerful copy writing tips and what you should keep track of when buying paid advertising so all your advertising campaigns are profitable.

1) Purchase classified ads from newspapers. You can use bold headlines in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping track of your ad’s profit per visitor.

2) Buy full page ads from magazines. You might use benefits in your paid ads. Plus you should be totaling your ad’s refund rates.

3) Order solo ads from ezines. You could use sub headlines in your paid ads. Also you want to be watchful of your ad’s opt-in conversions.

4) Pay for pop up ads from web sites. You may use features in your paid ads. And you need to be observant of your ad’s cost per clicks.

5) Invest in sponsor ads from ezines. You should use testimonials in your paid ads. Plus you should be wary of your ad’s profit per members.

6) Purchase advertorials ads from web sites. You can use guarantees in your paid ads. Also you want to be alert of your ad’s cost per subscriber.

7) Buy banner ads from blogs. You might use proof in your paid ads. And you need to be overseeing your ad’s monthly expenses.

8) Order emails ads from opt-in lists. You could use fears in your paid ads. Plus you should be keeping tabs of your ad’s gross profit.

9) Pay for side bar ads from blogs. You may use coupons in your paid ads. Also you want to be attentive of your ad’s cost per subscriber.

10) Invest in pay per click from search engines. You should use limited time offers in your paid ads. And you need to be calculating your ad’s net profit.

11) Purchase classified ads from classified ad sites. You can use bonuses in your paid ads. Plus you should be alert of your ad’s demographics.

12) Buy full page ads from newspapers. You might use evidence in your paid ads. Also you want to be keeping track of your ad’s weekly expenses.

13) Order pop up ads from blogs. You could use credibility statements in your paid ads. And you need to be totaling your ad’s cost per customer.

14) Pay for sponsor ads from e-book publishers. You may use case studies in your paid ads. Plus you should be watchful of your ad’s daily expenses.

15) Invest in advertorials ads from ezines. You should use call to actions in your paid ads. Also you want to be observant of your ad’s location.

16) Purchase banner ads from forums. You can use p.s’s in your paid ads. And you need to be wary of your ad’s web page views.

17) Buy email ads from auto res-ponders. You might use excerpts in your paid ads. Plus you should be alert of your ad’s cost per visitor.

18) Order side bar ads from web sites. You could use trials in your paid ads. Also you want to be overseeing your ad’s profit per subscriber.

19) Pay for pay per click from ad networks. You may use freebies in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping tabs of your advertising budget.

20) Invest in forum post ads from forums. You should use question openers in your paid ads. Plus you should be attentive of your ad’s response rates.

21) Purchase social post ads from social networks.

22) Buy banner ads from chat rooms. You might use email addresses in your paid ads. And you need to be alert of your ad’s sales.

23) Order solo ads from direct mailers. You could use the word ‘you’ in your paid ads. Plus you should be keeping track of your ad’s return on investment.

24) Pay for pay per click ads from article directories. You may use phone numbers in your paid ads. Also you want to be totaling your ad’s web page hits.

25) Invest in affiliate program ads from joint venture sites. You should use your track record in your paid ads. And you need to be watchful of your ad’s orders.

26) Purchase software ads from software sharing web sites. You can use quote statements in your paid ads. Plus you should be observant of your ad’s cost per shopper.

27) Buy graphical signs from virtual world sites. You might use tool free numbers in your paid ads. Also you want to be wary of your ad’s statistics.

28) Order profile ads from community web sites. You could use highlighted words in your paid ads. And you need to be alert of your ad’s profit per customer.

29) Pay for banner ads from squeeze pages. You may use vivid descriptions in your paid ads. Plus you should be overseeing your ad’s results.

30) Invest in One-time offer ads from opt-in giveaway web sites. You should use voice mail numbers in your paid ads. Also you want to be keeping tabs of your ad’s total profits.

31) Purchase signature ads from opt-in lists. You can use bold words in your paid ads. And you need to be attentive of your ad’s cost per viewers.

32) Buy banner ads from question/answer web sites. You might use news in your paid ads. Plus you should be calculating your ad’s target audience.

33) Order billboard ads from ad agencies. You could use order page links in your paid ads. Also you want to be alert of your ad’s income per client.

34) Pay for pay per click ads from social networks. You may use target words in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping track of your ad’s branding effects.

35) Invest in small email ads from free email services. You should use fax numbers in your paid ads. Plus you should be totaling your ad’s profit per lead.

36) Purchase post card from direct mailers. You can use urgency offers in your paid ads. Also you want to be watchful of your ad’s after effects.

37) Buy commercial ads from satellite stations. You might use underlines words in your paid ads. And you need to be observant of your ad’s total traffic.

38) Order audio ads from music sharing web sites. You could use fact statements in your paid ads. Plus you should be wary of your ad’s business growth.

39) Pay for sponsor ads from auto-res-ponders. You may use contest prizes in your paid ads. Also you want to be alert of your ad’s income per prospect.

40) Invest in banner ads from freebie directories. You should use pictures in your paid ads. And you need to be overseeing your ad’s total consumers.

41) Purchase video ads from webinar broadcasters. You can use postal address in your paid ads. Plus you should be keeping tabs of your ad’s purchasers.

42) Buy thank you ads from product sellers. You might use objection resolver in your paid ads. Also you want to be attentive of your ad’s affiliate commissions.

43) Order video ads from video sharing webs sites. You could use problems/solutions in your paid ads. And you need to be calculating your ad’s back-end sales.

44) Pay for catalog ads from mail order company’s. You may use joke statements in your paid ads. Plus you should be alert of your ad’s repeat customers.

45) Invest in sign ads from property owners. You should use business hours in your paid ads. Also you want to be keeping track of your ad’s upsells.

46) Purchase back-end ads from product sellers. You can use cell phone numbers in your paid ads. And you need to be totaling your ad’s unique visitors.

47) Buy picture ads from mail catalogs. You might use graphics in your paid ads. Plus you should be watchful of your ad’s visitor to sales ratio.

48) Order keyword ads from web sites. You could use ad tracking in your paid ads. Also you want to be observant of your ad’s target market.

49) Pay for pay per click ads from product directories. You may use good spelling in your paid ads. And you need to be wary of your ad’s niche profits.

50) Invest in classified ads from auction web sites. You should use myth statements in your paid ads. Plus you should be alert of your ad’s investment returns.

51) Purchase banner ads from forums. You can use your professional picture in your paid ads. Also you want to be overseeing your ad’s total cost.

52) Buy sponsor ads from event hosts. You might use endorsements in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping tabs of your ad’s value.

53) Order insert ads from product shippers. You could use names in your paid ads. Plus you should be attentive of your ad’s bottom line.

54) Pay for outsource ads from freelancing web sites. You may use business name in your paid ads. Also you want to be calculating your ad’s watchers to sales ratios.

55) Invest in press releases ads from publicity web sites. You should use success stories in your paid ads. And you need to be alert of your ad’s listeners to sales rates.

56) Purchase pop up ads from file sharing webs sites. You can use instructions in your paid ads. Plus you should be keeping track of your ad profit gains.

57) Buy audio ads from tele-seminar broadcasters. You might use quantity information in your paid ads. Also you want to be totaling your ad’s reader to sales ratios.

58) Order top sponsor ads from search engines. You could use celebrities in your paid ads. And you need to be watchful of your ad’s long tern customers.

59) Pay for commercial ad from ad agencies. You may use USP in your paid ads. Plus you should be observant of your ad expenses.

60) Invest in text link ads from web sites. You should use slogans in your paid ads. Also you want to be wary of your ad fees.

61) Purchase solo ads from fax companies. You can use bullet points in your paid ads. And you need to be alert of your ad prices.

62) Buy mobile ads from mobile ad agencies. You might use music in your paid ads. Plus you should be overseeing your ad charges.

63) Order pay per click ads from news web sites. You could use opt-in forms in your paid ads. Also you want to be keeping tabs of your ad finances.

64) Pay for audio ads from audio sharing networks. You may use sound effects in your paid ads. And you need to be attentive of your ad’s income amount.

65) Invest in up-sells ads from product sellers. You should use countdown counters in your paid ads. Plus you should be calculating your ad’s repeat orders.

66) Purchase yellow page ads from online yellow page sites. You can use good grammar in your paid ads. Also you want to be alert of your ad expenditures.

67) Buy pic ads from image sharing sites. You might use logos in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping track of your ad revenue.

68) Order store ads from payment processors. You could use demonstrations in your paid ads. Plus you should be totaling your ad money.

69) Pay for interview ads from magazines. You may use beliefs in your paid ads. Also you want to be watchful of your ad’s success.

70) Invest in web site ads from traffic exchange sites. You should use multiple fonts in your paid ads. And you need to be observant of your ad purchases.

71) Purchase viral ads from online freebie publishers. You can use videos in your paid ads. Plus you should be wary of your ad’s transactions.

72) Buy insert flyer ads from newspapers. You might use empathy in your paid ads. Also you want to be alert of your ad funds.

73) Order discount ads from coupon companies. You could use ad testing in your paid ads. And you need to be overseeing your ad’s savings.

74) Pay for radio ads from radio stations. You may use terms and conditions in your paid ads. Plus you should be keeping tabs of your ad’s capital.

75) Invest in banners ads from web directories. You should use secret curiosity in your paid ads. Also you want to be attentive of your ad’s tests.

76) Purchase booth ads from trade shows. You can use good punctuation in your paid ads. And you need to be calculating your ad’s experiments.

77) Buy content ads from contextual ad companies. You might use tips in your paid ads. Plus you should be alert of your ad’s tracking.

78) Order sponsor ads from report publishers. You could use colored text in your paid ads. Also you want to be keeping track of your ad’s feedback.

79) Pay for wanted ads from career/job sites. You may use borders in your paid ads. And you need to be totaling your ad kitty.

80) Invest in product review ads from review web sites. You should use personal opinions in your paid ads. Plus you should be watchful of your ad’s worth.

81) Purchase app ads from add web sites. You can use free services in your paid ads. Also you want to be observant of your ad changes.

82) Buy banner ads from free web hosting sites. You might use product ratings in your paid ads. And you need to be wary of your ad vestment.

83) Order display ads from stores. You could use samples in your paid ads. Plus you should be alert of your ad funding.

84) Pay for promo product ads from specialty advertising services. You may use emotional words in your paid ads. Also you want to be overseeing your ad cash.

85) Invest in commercial ads from cable stations. You should use product jingles in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping tabs of your ad’s modifications.

86) Purchase graphical ads from image sharing web sites. You can use peer pressure in your paid ads. Plus you should be attentive of your ad’s account.

87) Buy text link ads from blogs. You might use the word ‘free’ in your paid ads. Also you want to be calculating your ad’s competition.

88) Order background ads from web sites. You could use artwork in your paid ads. And you need to be alert of your ad’s impressions.

89) Pay for yellow page ads from phone books. You may use background info in your paid ads. Plus you should be keeping track of your ad’s reactions.

90) Invest in comment ads from blogs publishers. You should use positive language in your paid ads. Also you want to be totaling your ad debt.

91) Purchase banner ads from membership web sites. You can use their wants in your paid ads. And you need to be watchful of your ad’s click- through.

92) Buy keyword/phrase text ads from content web sites. You might use target keywords in your paid ads. Plus you should be observant of your ad’s visibility.

93) Order radio ads from online radio stations. You could use Aida formula in your paid ads. Also you want to be wary of your ad’s adjustments.

94) Pay for business cards from printer places. You may use colored backgrounds in your paid ads. And you need to be alert of your ad’s sign ups.

95) Invest in placement ads from movie/tv producers. You should use product pics/covers in your paid ads. Plus you should be overseeing your ad’s placements.

96) Purchase word of mouth from commissioned sales men/woman. You can use professionals for your paid ads. Also you want to be keeping tabs of your ad’s marketing.

97) Buy car/vehicle sins ads from transportation services. You might use magnetic signs for your paid ads. And you need to be attentive of your ad’s movement.

98) Order branded cross promotion ads from famous businesses. You could use business reputations in your paid ads. Plus you should be calculating your ad’s promotions.

99) Pay for paid endorsements ads from famous people. You may use celebrity reputations in your paid ads. Also you want to be alert of your ad’s popularity.

100) Invest in preview ads from dvd producers/movie theaters. You should use video presentations in your paid ads. And you need to be keeping track of your ad’s previews.

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