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5 Wellness Practices You Can Do At Home

HomeWellness5 Wellness Practices You Can Do At Home

Being stuck at home doesn’t mean the end of your wellness. It’s actually more important now in these unpredictable times that you prioritize your well-being through different activities. And while places for relaxing and pampering are closed or unsafe, your home is the perfect space to turn into a personal sanctuary.

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, the concept of wellness has gained immense significance. As individuals navigate through the challenges and demands of modern life, prioritizing their physical and mental health has become increasingly important. Wellness encompasses a holistic approach to well-being, emphasizing the balance and integration of various aspects of life, such as physical fitness, mental well-being, and healthy relationships.

This article explores the importance of wellness in today’s world, highlighting its impact on overall health, its role in promoting mental well-being, the connection between wellness and physical fitness, nurturing healthy relationships, managing stress, work-life balance, and addressing the challenges that hinder its implementation in our busy lives.

Maintaining one’s well-being has become increasingly essential, prompting people to adopt wellness practices within the comforts of their own homes. By understanding the significance of wellness, we can embark on a journey to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Here’s a list of wellness-focused practices to do at home:

Reduce stress with music

Sound therapy or sound healing is the art of using music to relax and boost physical and emotional well-being. It takes different forms in different cultures — one example is the use of singing bowls in Tibet during meditation. There are different ways to practice sound healing. If you don’t have a singing bowl or don’t know how to use one, you can also try playing a different instrument with the intention of turning your attention to the different vibrations. Singing along or simply listening to meditative music are other ways to reap the rewards of healing sounds. Sound healing is an effective stress relief tool and it can also help you get good quality sleep.

Take a hot bath

Almost every culture has its own preference when it comes to bathing. Outdoor hot springs are one example. ExpatBets’ guide to Japanese onsens highlights how it’s a local tradition to visit hot springs, or indoor baths as an alternative, as a form of therapy. The Japanese are on to something because it is incredibly relaxing to sit in a hot bath for a long time. The warm water can be comforting for the mind and soothing for tense muscles. Luckily, it’s not too difficult to replicate this practice at home as long as you have a tub. You can even add Epsom salts, fragrances, or essential oils to make your bathing experience more restorative.

Go on a ‘slow’ coffee break

Contrary to our usual rushed version of it, Swedish people take their coffee breaks a little differently. They call it ‘fika’ which is their tradition of taking slow and mindful coffee breaks. You can do it alone or, ideally, with other people you can share a cup of coffee and break bread with. However you want to take it, the point of the fika is to practice mindfulness. Focus on the coffee itself and the pleasure it brings instead of drinking it in front of your computer or your phone. Think about the present moment and enjoy it without letting yourself get weighed down by the pressures of life.

Eat mindfully

Being mindful has different applications other than appreciating the present. It also applies to the way you eat given that food affects your well-being in more ways than one. The perfect practice to follow is the Ayurvedic diet. NDTV Food’s article on Ayurveda explains that it not only improves digestion but also increases your vitality. Simply, your diet should consist of whole foods with an emphasis on plant-based ingredients like fruits and vegetables. These are rich in nutrients that the body needs to function and antioxidants to cleanse it from the inside out.

Practice yoga

Yoga is, of course, an important part of the equation. As a holistic practice, yoga has the potential to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Yoga is also highly adaptable, meaning anyone can practice it anywhere using a few simple tools. If you want guidance, watch out for Drishti Yoga School’s 200-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh which will be available to yogis of all levels soon!

Bonus information

Connecting with your environment and letting go of attachment

Our homes are reflections of ourselves, and by mindfully organizing them, we can connect more deeply with our environment. Letting go of attachment to material possessions allows us to create space for what truly matters to us – experiences, relationships, and personal growth.

As you declutter and organize, notice how your living space transforms and how it affects your state of mind. Cultivate gratitude for the sanctuary you are creating and the sense of calmness and clarity it brings to your everyday life.

Embracing these wellness practices at home enables individuals to prioritize their well-being holistically whilst attaining a sense of tranquility in these challenging times.

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Ritu Mayank
Ritu Mayank
Certified yoga teacher who teaches meditation.


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