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What is the Importance of Internet in education at schools

HomeEducationalWhat is the Importance of Internet in education at schools

Education is the basic foundation for every individual and it’s considered very important in everyone’s life. The Internet is something that changed the world and the individual thought process. With the use of technological devices internet is used and helps every individual to do their work easily quickly and efficiently.

In the past days, there were no such sources that made our lives easy and qualitative. More than 80% of schools and colleges are digitalized with the use of the internet and technological devices. We can see the changes and developments brought about by technology and then the internet in every field. If we are solely talking about education its effectiveness is a deep and qualitative one. It changed the quality of education and also helped to build a modern responsible citizen for society.

In schools and colleges now educators use computers to present their ideas. In the past teachers had only materials and textbooks through which they taught students and now there are different ways and techniques to teach. The development of technology and the internet helped to raise the standard of education and quality of education. It’s really fast and quick to find the question and answer. The benefits and the uses of the internet in education have to be analyzed before landing rapid judgments.

Made learning and teaching process interesting

It’s very hard for a teacher to attract students’ minds toward learning for more than 30 minutes. Naturally, they will feel bored and tired in class while listening to teachers lecturing. So it was hard for teachers. But after the influence of the internet in the educational process teaching and learning become more interesting and attractive. The teacher can include technology-based interactive sessions which make students active and help to bring the teacher and students more closely in the discussion. The teacher can show some video clips and some images while taking the class which will be connected to the subject and concept. This will attract students’ minds and will make them enthusiastic in the learning process.

Basic skills in technology

As we know we are living in a technological era and the impact of technology can be seen in every field. So our future generation must be perfect and thorough in operating technological devices and the internet if they are not skilled in it they will not be able to lead a successful professional life because computers are used in every aspect of life. Computers and technologies are leading in every field so they must know how to operate. So that in educational institutions technological devices are used and operated it will make students perfect in that skill and in the future, they can operate and do work in that technological device. So it’s preparing students for future life.

Creative skills are encouraged

The teacher can create their class blog and we know in every classroom teachers are using technological devices to create their own class blogs Teachers direct students to post their creative writings. In the olden days, teachers used to collect it on paper and make it books. But in this technological era teachers need not go that far Teachers can ask students to post it from their homes and the teacher can encourage other students to do it.

Creative writing includes paintings drawings poems stories fabric work pictures graphic designing fashion-related concepts everything must be included in that blog. The teacher must be like an inspiration one must put their comments on their creative subjects. In this way, a teacher can encourage their other activities. Education is not only about studies and books they are more than that. The teacher gets a chance to know all the personal abilities of the students. Selecting the best work teacher can gift something to that child like an inspiration for others so it will have a positive impact on their studies.


It’s the important aspect of life, confidence. If a student is not confident in his work then it will affect their studies and academic performance, the internet helps students to feel confident in their character. When they get some class work or project seminar they will be tense about how to complete it and where they will get information related to it. So it will bring sleepless nights for them. But in this modern technological era, they can be stress-free because, with their single touch, they get all kinds of information related to their class work. They can read it as their reference and can confidently submit it to the teacher.

Technology has brought a drastic change in the educational field. Now it has become an integral part of the educational institution. More than 90% of schools are digitalized and the teacher uses technological devices to present they are topic which has a positive impact on students. Technology helps schools and educational institutions enhance the quality of education and makes the learning-teaching process more effective and efficient.

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